With modern drinking solutions is simple and effective colorectal cancer screening Marburg, February 9, 2010 colon cancer is the two most common cancer in the Federal Republic. That should not be, because the chances of early detection and prophylaxis are convincing. The most important part of prevention is the colonoscopy and the preliminary cleaning of the intestine. This very popular study has a bad reputation with many wrongly. Thanks to modern drinking solutions it has become noticeably lighter in advance as torture discredited end colon cleansing for the patient, allowing them well to cope. During the colonoscopy (colonoscopy), the doctor in a cleansed colon can detect benign growths (polyps) and remove directly before it can develop over the years to a tumor.
While health insurance companies every ten years will refund this screening from the age of 55, just the thought of this procedure and the associated colon cleansing can be deterred many from going to the doctor. Reason for this are common horror stories, which belong to the past but thanks to modern preparations (such as MOVIPREP ). Previous laxative either put the body through electrolyte losses heavy loads or but the patient was forced to drink four liters of saline laxative liquid. Emerging nausea and increasing reluctance led to vomiting and even to stop of taking. Learn more about this topic with the insights from PCRM. As a result, The retirement date could not take place, because the intestine was poorly cleaned. But only in a spotless”organ, the doctor can down to the smallest corner and directly to detect changes in the mucous membrane. This gives maximum safety, not to colorectal cancer patients. Simply clean Fortunately, today no onerous ordeal is more necessary.
The beverages volume of laxative liquid by half could be reduced with the modern so-called 2-litre-PEG solution (polyethylene glycol with Ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate). On the eve and morning of the Examination the patient takes a liter of the mixed preparation and drinking in addition per half liter of mineral water, light tea, or a clear broth. Must not stick to day-long, complicated diets. Low fiber food and no nucleated fruit should be eaten only on the previous day. In the formulation containing electrolytes also make sure, that the body is not too loaded carry off and the water balance in the balance remains. On the patient portal will find interested in more information about colon cleansing and cancer screening, as well as a descriptive information film. In this a patient is accompanied by initial consultation about the cleaning of the colon up to the colonoscopy, so that site visitors can get an insight into the actual events. Healthy intestinal involvement since 2003 records that Felix Burda Foundation each year in the colon cancer month March innovative and efficient projects in the area of colorectal cancer screening out. To promote this social commitment, the Felix Burda the Norgine GmbH supports award this year for the first time with a partnership. There is more information about this award, which is also supported by many prominent faces under.