Bioetanol has manifolds uses: for example, it is used like see-fuel in gasoline motors, since it allows to one better combustion when increasing the fuel grade of the mixture, like fuel for heating in chimneys and boilers or even like potenciador of fuels of greater yield. The ecological advantages of bioetanol are many and substantially contribute to reduce to the gas discharges with greenhouse effect. For example, when replacing a liter of gasoline by bioetanol is reduced in a 60% the emissions of these gases. A single hectare of beet absorbs the equivalent to the annual emissions in CO? of 10 cars. Also, the biological fuel consumption as bioetanol replaces other exogenous and problematic energies, like the fossil and the nuclear one. Also the residues produced in the biological fuel elaboration are much less injurious for the environment and constitute a smaller risk of biological contamination u organic. So that the biological fuel use, even on small scale in the homes, along with the small echo-gestures of the citizens, contributes significantly to the protection of the environment. The heating of the homes is the domestic action that has major environmental impact. In this sense, many ecological governments and organizations recommend a more rational consumption of energy in the homes by means of the use of less polluting electric home appliances, like ecological chimneys or chimneys of bioetanol, so that, as he already said to the philosopher Discardings in century XVII, we pruned to find a practice by means of which, knowing the force and the actions the air, the stars, skies and of all the other bodies that surround to us, we pruned to use them in all the uses to that they are own () mainly by the conservation of the health, that is, without a doubt, the first good and the foundation of the other goods of this life.