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The Music Of Erich Zann

The team was assembled bassist and owner of his own label 'Aaarrg' Ralph Hubert (Ralph Hubert). To record the first demo-tape Ralph invited some musicians from the group of Rage, in particular, Jorg Michael (Jorg Michael), strengthened the structure of Jochen Schroeder (Jochen Schroder), whose place will soon come from the Living death Kelh Reiner (Reiner Kelh) and Frank Fricke (Frank Fricke). Click PCRM to learn more. Soon the group was left Peavy, as he decided to concentrate fully on the Rage. Output of the first album was a major event in the history of European trash, and the second plate has brought the team international recognition. Both discs are built on complex rhythmic and harmonic structures, while the second album, The Music Of Erich Zann, at the same melodic perfection is much more complicated debut. e with these questions. The concept album was put a literary work created by writer H. P.

Lovecraft. You may find that Jennifer Aaker can contribute to your knowledge. Around this album are actively circulating rumors that he will be the last. In early 1989, Mekong Delta have offered their reading of 'Concerto for Piano and Orchestra' little-known Spanish composer Ginesterry. Along with the 'Toccata' released their third album, which is not a musical embodiment of any concept. Plate contains several innovations. Appeared uncharacteristic of previous work 'Mekong Delta' acoustic party, thrash foundation here is combined with classic themes of hard-rock mid-70's.

In general, the sound came extremely emotional and causes the listener an unforgettable experience. The fourth album – Dances Of Death – confirmed the enormous potential of the musicians. Gorgeous techno-trash in the basis of which both his own material, and arrangements of the classics. At this time the play Mussorgsky's "Night on Bald Mountain '(Night On A Bare Mountain). In 1991, the veil of secrecy to the team slept slowly, and the band went into a small tour in Holland and Germany, playing in particular Depressive Age. To play songs from the band's album was real, the group maintained a session guitarist. The result of live performances was the live album Live at an exhibition. In 1992, on the shelves of music shops around the next album – Kaleidoscope. He helped the team gain new fans. On this album was done a cover version of the song Genesis 'Dance on a volcano'. When the staffing problems have been solved, followed by a two-year pause, during which came to light collection 'Classics', consisting of both the name of nothing but 'classical' treatments. In 1994 came the album 'Visions Fugitive', which is dominated by the 'Suite for Group and Orchestra'. There followed a lull in the ranks of the group for a period of two years. His end was marked by the album 'Pictures at an Exhibition'. This album was entirely instrumental, so Doug Lee was not mentioned in the booklet with the disc. The disc is conceptual and is a weighted processing of 'Pictures at an Exhibition' Hubert is so beloved by Mussorgsky. After the release, Mekong Delta took a break for a whole 10 years. The band recorded a new album Lurking Fear in 2007 alone. Albums of: 1987 – Mekong Delta 1988 – The Music of Erich Zann 1989 – Toccata (EP) 1989 – The Principle of Doubt 1990 – Dances of Death (and other Walking Shadows) 1991 – Live at an Exhibition 1992 – Kaleidoscope 1993 – Classics 1994 – Visions Fugitives 1996 – Pictures at an Exhibition 2007 – Lurking Fear


Harmony – the second component. Harmony has its own laws, including the functional relations (T, S, D), the logic of harmonic motion and development of voice. You will not "ship" harmonic detail, except to say that knowledge, though most common ground of harmony, it is desirable. n Diabetes Association. In order to make an interesting, fresh harmony, we must know the basic, standard harmonic methods. It was only after You can then look for something trivial. On harmonic voice-I will not say – that science is well described in the "Talmud".

Here we must mention such a moment – the melody and harmony are always interrelated, they interdependent and work together. " They can emphasize the dignity of each other (as well as and level). And it is not always one component without the other can be sufficiently original. A related site: Nieman Lab mentions similar findings. Say, the harmony alone, alone currently can not shine with novelty and originality, and in combination with the melody, it is able to "tune up". On the contrary happens rarely, but it occurs, and sometimes deliberately used.

Bass – the third component. Often, he said, and sometimes more important than the chord accompaniment melody. Bass is the harmonic foundation (not to be confused with a frequency basis) and must be properly registered, is built. It has two basic types of movement – this quarto-quint and smooth, often postupennoe. When quarto-quint presentation on the strengths and relative strengths share tact must accept or fifth of the current chord. When sliding motion postupennom bass often "fall", except for primo and quints and another chord harmony sound – third, and in seventh chord and the Septim. Thus, the bass harmony involves the presentation of appeals to the chord that is considerably enlivened and diversified by the harmonic motion. Spend little research of your (or someone else) of the material songs – play just the melody and bass, to estimate the measure of expression only in their basis. And once you hear how good / not good, logical / illogical your bass. Two words will add about ornamentation of the bass line. With its ornamentation should always remember that the strong share of the bar should be taken the basic sounds (note) chord. After all, the bass is the foundation of harmony and "freedom" it is not permissible. In otherwise lost functional definition .O interaction of all three components. If the melody of "fresh", the harmony of interest, and the bass is right and logical, the result, you may qualify for some level of "art" of your song. Aspect of the instrumentation and arrangements (different things), I is not touching. And if all three ingredients are well described, even if unfinished, or arrangement of the song rather weak would be "sound", anyway, its brightness and melody find themselves. Conversely, if the source material is weak and inexpressive, the most fancy arrangements and various "chips" will not save the situation – the product of will bleklym.Gennady , composer.

CDs Players

When choosing a player to start is to decide what exactly you need an mp3 player, or rather, you must select one option from the modifications. On CD mp3 players you can listen to CDs and mp3 format or record recorded independently on a computer. These players are not expensive, and listen to music they can be used without a computer. In the absolute majority of CD mp3 player is a remote control and radio. BSA often addresses the matter in his writings. To date, very popular mp3 players.

They are very compact and weighs a bit, the memory up to 6 Gb, and the minimum – 512Mb, which allows you to keep a decent database of music. On average, a song is about 4Mb. Consequently, it would be easy estimate the desired amount of memory. You can still rely on the fact that one minute of music takes about 1 Mb. When choosing the amount of memory you should know that many players can show videos and photos as cameras, so it's worth take care that these files will take a decent amount of space. Read more here: Dr. Neal Barnard. mp3 players safe and easy to use. Virtually no fear of falling and continue to work even if they drop. s California or emailing the administrator. If you plan to watch video or read a book with your player, you need to pay attention to the size of the monitor player.

mp3 HDD players can hold data up to 100 Gb. They are equipped with multiple functions and are, rather, media. With such Players can read e-books, viewing videos. Today often choose the mp3 player is a famous brand. For example, iRiver player or ipod nano. Compact size, light weight, ability to work offline to several days are the main advantages in selecting these players. The amount of memory to 2 Gb and a very competitive price make these players the leading models in the market. These players are no mechanical moving parts, and this is a great advantage, responsible for the reliability and practicality of losing the device. By the way, many players contain features a voice recorder, which will be very useful for students or journalists. Pop it in your player may well be replaced digital voice recorder. And very often in the mp3 player built-in FM-radio.

The Seventies

The distinctive features of style psytrance trance, perhaps the most ambiguous genre of electronic dance music. Briefly it can be defined as melodic, more or less free style of music on the formation and development of which had a major impact areas such as industrial music (newwave), e-techno-disco of Detroit and the psychedelic music of the seventies. Because of the enormous variety of directions, evolved within this style of music is difficult to identify common features of the genre. However, it should be noted that the tracks in this style is usually characterized by hypnotic elements (hence name – the "trans") and as the anthem. On this basis, a typical trance track can be described as consisting of a special (often cyclical) melodic Party, located over a simple bass line, simple drum loops and several additional audio elements to form the structure and acceleration. The first psychedelic trance tracks emerged from a combination of early Acid-Hausa, the most bizarre and avant-garde music from around the world (particularly industrial ) And classical Indian music (especially in its tone and melodic instrument). In this regard, it is important to note that Goa trance is not a direct descendant of the trance, though their mutual influence and obvious.

You can define Several general points supporting a number of psychedelic trance tracks. However, only some of these features are not sufficient to identify the musical work as psytrance-track. Sound journey Structure psytrance tracks usually reflects the idea of travel. The track begins light waves of sound, slowly growing, with a constant timbral development and enhancement. .

LaFee Christmas Fundraiser

Call to all her fans: brings gifts to the December shows! (thk) During their three December appearances in Oberhausen (11th), Wurzburg (12/12) and Bad Arolsen (13), LFee collects gifts for the German children’s aid! The great thing: Each concert-goers can contribute to the success of the action, taking it with a gift to the show! “Reason for the charitable idea: LFee, who shortly before the start of the mini Flash tour is 18 years old and be adopted with the birthday gigs from their childhood, want to love fest” do something for minors, which is not good. Consequently, she called on their fans to bring gifts for the needy to the guest appearances (with written notice for which age and gender!). The gifts are presented then collected the German children’s aid. This association is a national non-governmental organization (www.kinderhilfe.de), which promotes nationwide without government money aid projects and independent as the only genuine lobby for children position concerns and legislative procedure. Also Germany’s most successful singer their popularity committed in another field, that an optimal result is achieved when the whole: because toys “R” US donates extensive non-cash prizes worth a total of 1,000 euros, LFee is the branch of the chain in Essen on the December at approximately 3: 00 (Guild courtyard Center, Holle str. 3) visit and personally thank you for toy donations there giving autograph. Who the artist supported by 8th May 29, 2009 on the occasion of her new CD ring free”on a big tour of Germany is, know that he his part has helped, that it is for the needy, disabled, traumatized or autistic children at Christmas is this year: nice Christmas present! Reprint free of charge; BU: LFee and their fans help the German children.

LFee birthday “Tour 2008 support:”Before pointing children”11.12. Oberhausen, Turbine Hall (inlet: 17 h 00, start: 18 h 00) 12.12 Wurzburg, post Hall (admission: 17 h 30,)” Start: 18 h 30) 13.12 Bad Arolsen, Outback (intake: 18 h 00, start: 19 h 00) cards: 30.00 (plus fees) at the renowned sales outlets and at tour organizer: KBK concert and artist agency GmbH, Tel. 089.41 10 94-0 Internet: PR,, (fan page):, Tel. 0821.58 97 93 88/9