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British Medical Journal

When Rivka A. gave to light to its son in a hospital of Jerusalem in 1972, it suffered of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia, a common complication of the pregnancy, is a picture marked by high arterial tension after the sixth month. Rivka also had other symptoms common like proteins in the urine and ankles swollen due to the accumulation of fluids. Preeclampsia can cause a list of problems, even the death, to the mother and the fetus. Rivka recovered of the ailment and continued enjoying good health during many years before developing cancer of breast in 1992. It did not seem initially that there a connection between these two problems different from health existed.

But thanks to a far-reaching Israeli project that realised a pursuit to millares of women like Rivka, that connection has settled down, with implications for all the women who suffer of preeclampsia. According to the study of Israel, the women with a file of preeclampsia can have a higher risk to develop cancer, especially stomach cancer, chest, ovary, lung and larynx. The findings that appeared in British Medical Journal, although preliminary, suggest could as much have a certain common environmental or genetic factor to preeclampsia as to the cancer. Previous studies have denied any association between preeclampsia and the cancer, according to the Dra. Paltiel Prays head of investigation of the School Braun de Public Salud and Medicine of the Community of the Hebrew University – Hadassah. " With these new findings, we must speculate that or he is something specific of the population, or perhaps has to do with the common diet, or congenital factors to preeclampsia and the cancer that are specific of poblacin" , it declared to ISRAEL21c. Preeclampsia affects around the ten percent of the pregnancies, and more often in the first pregnancy. It can be light or severe, in which case it can lead to eclampsia, in which the attacks or the coma can kill to the mother and the fetus.

The Wall Street Journal

Before the summit, Arkady Dvorkovich, economic adviser of the Kremlin, it had advance: China and Russia will raise their position which the global exchange system needs the creation of several regional currencies of reserve, which soon they could become international. China has around 70% of its reserves in dollars. According to Reuters, during the meeting of the G8, the Chinese state advisor, Dai Bingguo, it made a call to that the world diversifies the reservations system and aims at relatively stable types of change, in which represents a clear attack the American currency. Frequently BSA has said that publicly. All the kind context against the dollar. It will follow debilitdose in the medium one in the long term? Obama was had it jeopardize to maintain its value.

The strength of the currency is part of the economic strategy of the American government. The question happens to know how much effort will be arranged to make Obama achieve this objective and how much it will be able to support the temptation that can generate to him a dollar weak, beneficial for the competitiveness of the American economy. The investors already are making their bets against the dollar. Axel Merk, administrator of the bottoms Merk Hard Currency (MERKX) and Asian Currency (MEAFX) Funds, recognized in The Wall Street Journal that is taking long positions against the dollar because it sees a future weakening of the North American currency. First of these bottoms one is made up in a 24% of liquidity in Euros, 17% in crowns Norwegians (stimulated by the income who the country perceives by its petroleum exports), around 35% in commodities related to the currencies of Australia, New Zealand Canada, and a 14% in gold.

Another great bet that exists in the market is by the inevitable appreciation that it will have they yuan as soon as the Chinese government bristle before the pressures, mainly of the USA so that the currency is fortified in front of the dollar. This bet by yuan is realised through covers of type of change which becomes to traverse bets with great banks in the direction in which it behaves yuan. The world knows that in the short term it cannot loosen the hand to him to the dollar by two reasons. First it is the great commitment of the investments of the international reserves of the countries in assets denominated in dollars. The second reason is that the dollar is serving as containment dock before the increase of the uncertainty in the markets. If the dollar, that is one of the few reliable refuges for the investor, falls, then the crisis can reach unmeasurable dimensions. In the medium and long term, nevertheless, the dollar already is lost its world-wide leadership that is translated in a smaller global demand of assets denominated in this currency, which will be debilitating it against the impossibility of the USA to maintain it. Original author and source of the article.


The modern necklaces of Rep them are different from old in the base and the complements that are combined with the Rep them to form the necklace. Formerly the base of the Rep necklaces them was a Rep multitude them ensartadas that formed the bracelet, but did not offer no character to the bracelet leaving cansino the very boring product and in the long run. At present the modern necklaces of Rep them have a series of combinations of materials that allow to shine to the Rep them of another form, continue being the Rep them the main characteristic of the necklace, but without tiring as they already do the old ones. At Dr. Neal Barnard you will find additional information. Thus the modern necklaces of Rep them normally have a leather base or espinelo (a mineral with which necklaces can be realised). The leather or espinelo offers a modern touch to them and cause that the necklaces can be taken in more occasions than the old ones. The closings of the Rep necklaces them are available in steel and silver according to the combination, and cause that a tactically important point of the necklace as is the closing (the site by where more times are broken) is of quality and holds well. And by all means the Rep them, these can natural or be cultivated, but of quality always never synthetic. Read additional details here: BSA. True the Rep them they come from the nature, and they form when a small strange object introduces in the body of an oyster or mollusc, and the organism of oyster around produces calcium a smooth carbonate layer (nacre) to his, generating a Rep it.

They can see the following modern necklaces of Rep them: Necklace leather Rep them and silver: Necklace leather of 45 cm and Rep them of 10 to 12mm with 2 nuggets of silver and steel closing with magnet. Necklace leather Rep them and silver Necklace espinelo with 3 Rep them: Necklace of espinelo of 45 cm with closing of natural silver and Rep them. Necklace espinelo with 3 Rep them Necklace leather silver and 1 Rep it: Necklace leather braided of 45cm with natural Rep it of 16 to 18mm and silver. Necklace leather silver and 1 Rep it Some advice for the conservation of the Rep them and to conserve the Rep them in good state: The Rep them they are not as hard as semiprecious stones. If you must apply lacquer for the hair, perfumes and other substances of the style, you have to know that these are potentially harmful for the Rep them and could damage the Rep them, for that reason colcate the Rep necklace them only after aplicarte these products.

Breakage and chips of the Rep them, the Rep necklaces them must be stored far from other jewels that could line the Rep it. Cleaning of the Rep them: The fat of the skin helps to maintain the Rep them humid, so the soapy water is unnecessary to clean them and never to clean the Rep them with no type of product. The best thing is to clean them with a smooth cloth, like the used ones for the glasses.

America Publishing

The best thing of the case is that the success always accompanied to him. The listened to wireless series more in the country during those years was one that did in the United States and that calld North America, of coast to coast. It lasted two year and a half and throughout her it was lost in the mangrove swamps of the delta of the Mississippi, raised on foot by the steep slope of the tube of the Colorado, it was berthed in the neoyorkino Harlem, it participated in a roundup in New Mexico, entrevist to the participants of the 500 miles of Indianapolis, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And, the best thing of everything, without leaving its hiding place of the Ibiza street, although he lived already in a comfortable house with garden in the urbanization of the Moral. When he was in Spain, that is to say, when its refuge or guarida Madrilenian emerged from, it dedicated myself to another type of swindles: the publishing houses. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is often quoted as being for or against this. The procedure was as simple as the one of the radio, which reinforced its belief in the complementariness of mass media and as which the one that is used for one is also used for the others. When I speak of publishing swindle not I refer to the collection of graphical magazines titled a reporter in America. After all it was not more than the printed version of my wireless adventures.

In that, at least, was a base said the old man, almost convinced of to have acted honestly at least once in its life. To what one talks about, then, when speaks of publishing swindle? To the one of the magazines in bankruptcy. The procedure, already had begun to explain it, was very simple. It left from his fame reached like experienced and intrepid journalist, radio operator of success and author of the publishing series of a reporter in America that had made him gain his first million.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Hers, clearly, is a cynical way to show an aristocratic disdain towards which one does; which, obvious, constitutes more refined of the vanities. The deposit taker of that one secret of Ruano, Alpaca Threshold, is a prolific author and a magnificent columnista as well. Its case demonstrates better than no other than the articulismo is a style question. Innovator of the language and creator of expressions and literary turns, in the Valley wake, Threshold predominates the form on the bottom. As much he is thus, that he has been able to say of him that takes to forty years writing a same and unique article, modulating it and adapting it in the time, and dividing it with meticulous certainty to soon deposit the corresponding daily dose in the page of its newspaper. One would treat, then, of a permanent and unfinished article. Without putting to me too important, I will say that this expressive, hybrid sort and to mestizo, has reached its good apogee recently. Nowadays there is writer of long breath and no dense literary work that does not practice it.

Some, even, in those brief journalistic commentaries surpass in excellence to their ampler texts and repeatedly awarded. For me it is the case of Juan Jose Mills or Manuel Rivas, magnificent book writers but even better contributors. That same appreciation, what they want that it says to them, I make until a some Nobel prize extensive, like Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Others, however, as Camilo Jose Watches over, in their journalistic incursions do not have been around their brilliant literary work. These, as they see, are subjective opinions and tremendously daring, in addition. It is what indeed it allows the journalistic sort that we commented: thanks to their brevity, to the light style in which it is sustained and to his fleeting character, similar unwarranted assertions can be formulated that in a test, however, would demand pages and pages of erudite explanations in which to be based.


Bioetanol has manifolds uses: for example, it is used like see-fuel in gasoline motors, since it allows to one better combustion when increasing the fuel grade of the mixture, like fuel for heating in chimneys and boilers or even like potenciador of fuels of greater yield. The ecological advantages of bioetanol are many and substantially contribute to reduce to the gas discharges with greenhouse effect. For example, when replacing a liter of gasoline by bioetanol is reduced in a 60% the emissions of these gases. A single hectare of beet absorbs the equivalent to the annual emissions in CO? of 10 cars. Also, the biological fuel consumption as bioetanol replaces other exogenous and problematic energies, like the fossil and the nuclear one. Also the residues produced in the biological fuel elaboration are much less injurious for the environment and constitute a smaller risk of biological contamination u organic. So that the biological fuel use, even on small scale in the homes, along with the small echo-gestures of the citizens, contributes significantly to the protection of the environment. The heating of the homes is the domestic action that has major environmental impact. In this sense, many ecological governments and organizations recommend a more rational consumption of energy in the homes by means of the use of less polluting electric home appliances, like ecological chimneys or chimneys of bioetanol, so that, as he already said to the philosopher Discardings in century XVII, we pruned to find a practice by means of which, knowing the force and the actions the air, the stars, skies and of all the other bodies that surround to us, we pruned to use them in all the uses to that they are own () mainly by the conservation of the health, that is, without a doubt, the first good and the foundation of the other goods of this life.

Very Concrete Vista

Manuel Antonio Carreo was not Chilean. Either a man of century XX. He was a diplomat and Venezuelan politician who in 1853 published his Manual of politeness and good ways for use of the youth of both sexes in which the main rules of civilidad and label that must be observed in the diverse social situations, preceded of a brief treaty on the duties morals of hombre&quot are; " , text known until today simply like " " Manual of Carreo" " and that at this point is a concept that is used generically to talk about to any series of instructions that serve to evolve correctly in certain scope. The selected name was this one, with the last name " " of the Patagonia Aysn" " by the sketcher Nelson Huenchuir and Safe Patricio journalist to title the work that this Friday 18 of June will be sent officially in Coyhaique, with the presence of Guillo, the recognized caricaturist of the Apsi magazine and that in 2009 outside awarded with a Apes prize. Its participation will not be accidental, Guillo prologue this work financed by Fondart 2009. They are 105 cartoons that in seven categories (" " Memoria" " , " " Said and frases" " , " " Indumentaria" " , " " Gastronomy and alimentacin" " , " " Dances and msica" " , " " Games and esparcimiento" " , " " The leera of cachureos" ") they are giving a look than patagn is the aysenino being. " " This book is an original idea of Nelson, that it invited to me to that we made specific together it. Enchanted I said him that yes, since before, when he made cartoons for the Newspaper of Aysn and the Divisadero and I worked in press, we complemented ourselves rather well combining humor with contingencia" " it explains Safe, at the moment also president of the Corporation Deprived for the Development of Aysn, organization under whose umbrella east project to the Fondart in the line of Conservation and Promotion of the Immaterial Patrimony was postulated.

Corrections Adjective

Incorrect examples: I need an assistant knowing to correct. = permanent action Bought a dog being lame. = permanent action We saw the girls taking a walk. = ambiguous 5.El gerund with function purely adjective ex: Women singing lowered of the source. The gerund with purely adjective function is incorrect; that is to say, the one that modifies to a noun. In previous oration, the gerund singing modifies to the noun women. When this happens, the gerund is equivalent to a pure adjective or a specifying adjective proposal (that sang). The used gerund of this form is incorrect, because this one must always own verbal and adverbial value.

In the following orations the verbal and adverbial value of the gerund can be seen clearly: Mopping plates, it explained the happened thing. Arriving at house, one remembered. This type of error is corrected replacing the gerund by an equivalent adjective proposal. Generally by " that + the verb in form personal". Examples: Women singing lowered of the source. that strong pains sang Several children suffering they arrived that day.

that they underwent the law raising the taxes is not joust. that it raises Exceptions: The gerunds can be used with purely adjective function burning and boiling: Several level ones burning were seen far. The boiling water pot was spilled to him. Also the gerunds in the work titles, pictures and feet of photographies can be used with adjective function: Caesar crossing the Rubicn. The frogs asking king. The director hoisting the flag. The gerund with adjective value, that is to say, the one that talks about a noun, must be a perception verb (verb in which it is appraised or perceives the action): to contemplate, to see, to watch, to observe, etc. Ex: It, contemplating the landscape, put itself to cry. Sometimes, besides having purely adjective function, the gerund expresses permanent action: She is a secretary speaking three languages. General observation: If the gerund correctly is used, it is possible to be replaced to him, generally, by a personal form of the verb preceded of " while, whereas, at the same time as, at the same time as, whereas, once, after " , etc. incorrect Gerunds: Corrections: I portrayed dog running in the garden. which ran Wrote a story narrating an impressive event. in which it narrates the car restrained, pausing several meters it advanced more. and one paused I was with farmers being poor. that they are Yesterday we saw your brother running in the park. which ran She is a secretary knowing to translate. that she knows discussed the problem, reaching an agreement. and It was arrived it gave to a trunk containing much clothes. that it contains We saw the lion leaving the mount. which left Men salomando walked towards the town. that they salomaban This is for the children living in the misery. that they live injured a truck being wounded three people. and they were Entered the room sitting down the first row. and one sat down the law raising the taxes is not right. that it raises We saw your brother taking a walk in the park. which took a walk They discussed three articles approving them at the end of the session. they approved and them are sold scholastic notebooks having beautiful drawings. that they have the small plane precipitated to earth dying all the passengers. and original Author and source of the article died.

The Greeks

And they do not create everything what they say to them. I advise to them not to mix metaphysics, with the esoterismo. Nothing has to do the one with the other. For my the esoterismo is but the ridiculous thing that exists, but science and metaphysics investigate causes. 9 2007 Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo The question that we approached in this treaty, falls on the relation that owns the theoretical physics and the philosophy. In the scientific philosophy we can approach the physics from several points of view.

The question is that we understand by physics? then, after several reflections a concept of the physics elaborates that seems to me advisable to take into account. In my opinion the physics is the result of the mathematical subordinate to the knowledge of the scientific causes open pies by the materialistic philosophy. Which represents an evident reality if the argument in its totality is analyzed. For our friend Aristotle the physics represents the science of a number of beings determined, which takes care of the substance that it owns in if the principle of movement and rest. In philosophy it is necessary to clarify the concepts that own some dark, with the purpose of to arrive at clear and evident truths that they form necessary foundations.

The Greeks of the antiquity made beautiful contribution to the societies, which we have analyzed through our philosophical investigation. We can suddenly listen to a reproach, in which he will say eloquently to us that very lightly we spoke advantageously of the Greeks of the antiquity. This opinion will be received with benevolence with the purpose of not to enter a too deep dispute and eloquent. But I am not first nor I complete in indicating the greatness of the Greek town. I consider advisable to listen men who treated better these matters and not like us we handled who them of an ignorant way. Carlos Luis de Secondat in the spirit of the laws says to us: 10 2007 Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo Anaximenes said that the principle is the infinite air. From which the things are generated acts to them, the past ones, and the future ones, the Gods and the divine things, and that the other things take place of that one. (DK 13 TO 7: Hiplito ref. 1, 7) In his Anaximenes cosmology it says that the Earth is flat and it rides on the air, of similar way to the sun. The igneous moon and the other stars ride in the air because also they are flat.

Buildings Structures

It does not have to fall aside and it must remain in the place to support the retorts of an earthquake. Reinforced beams and the joints also can help to prevent the deformity and collapse with buildings and structures during and after an earthquake. The Foundation the plates of foundation and the shock absorbers can be superposed so that the sliding movement and absorb the shock and the movement during an earthquake. These bases of plates must especially be designed so that they can help to limit the damages and to help to avoid the collapse of buildings and structures. Not to construct in soft ground the types of ground also can limit the damage brought about by an earthquake. Softer grounds contain a high amount of humidity and are more able to create more damage to the buildings and the structures that constructed on the more solid bases and their environs. To live in soft land, can amplify the movement of the earthquake.

This must to the fact that the energy passes through less dense material or substance, in this case, the ground. Proportion is the key Generally, never is advisable to construct buildings that are too high in comparison with their width. The width and the height of the building must be proportional unless special precautions are taken. The lack of Planning Some structures and buildings have been designed to fail in a planned form intentional. In the case of an earthquake, these faults have predicted this for protection of the nears space, where the occupants are probable that they are. These buildings and structures also are designed to diminish the amount of rubbish that can fall in the near buildings and their environs. The Buildings in the future the advances in the field of structural engineering are promising.

The advances in the field of structural engineering and the manufacture of construction equipments are becoming and are new construction equipments and superiors. The earthquake buildings on approval can be soon a reality. The investigation is being realised to the types of buildings and structures that would be able to resist earthquakes. Although we cannot control the natural disasters, at least we can do something to construct buildings safer than they protect the life of its occupants.