The carrying pupils of necessities special they are taken care of by professionals of the areas of Occupational Therapy, Fonoaudiloga, Social Assistance, Psicologia and Psicopedagoga. The Laboratory of Computer science gives courses stops: professors, employees, pupils, special members of the community, pupils with necessities. Currently, the school in study takes care of 1,300 pupils with lessons in the diurne turns and nocturnal for adults and already it more than benefited 30,000 pupils since its foundation. 12 pupils registered 4 had participated of this research series and the 8 pupils of 5 series of Basic Ensino, in the total of 20 pupils, August of 2010, which had answered to the questions in classroom. The answered questions had been tabulated, grouping them as the answers of the pupils, interpreted, and boarded during the work.
6 RESULTS AND QUARRELS Table 4 Participation of the family in charging the house lesson. To charge the Lesson of House N % Yes 16 80,00 Not 4 20,00 TOTAL 20 100,00 Source: Direct research. Table 5 – It receives aid from the family in the house lesson. Aid Lesson of House N % Yes 17 85,00 Not 3 15,00 TOTAL 20 100,00 Source: Direct research. Table 6 Possuem books beyond the pertaining to school.
Books Beyond the Pertaining to school N % Yes 11 55,00 Not 9 45,00 TOTAL 20 100,00 Source: Direct research. Table 9 What more it values in the school. Importance of Professor 5 25,00 values in the School N % Good 75,00 Notes 15 TOTAL 20 100,00 Source: Direct research. Table 11 What the father or to the mother makes they leave that them happyer. Affection 13 65,00 leaves the Happyest Pupils N % Time who are together 7 35,00 TOTAL 20 100,00 Source: Direct research.