
In reality the axillary hipersudoracion term is not quite correct, we should instead say armpit excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis. When we say axillary hipersudoracion or excessive sweating in the armpits, we are referring to a much more abundant than the normal perspiration, and occurs even when we are not feeling heat. Anyway the axillary sweating is always annoying, not only feel wet and sticky, but by the unpleasant smell that can be seen from afar. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out BSA. Fortunately there are many things that can be done to solve the problem, here are some examples:-thoroughly wash the armpits with vegetable sponge, SOAP and water. This serves to eliminate bacteria that have proliferated on the skin favored by the accumulation of sweat, and which are responsible for the unpleasant smell of perspiration.

-After washing, dry well the skin with a towel. -Then, ideally apply a specific antiperspirant product to axils. There is a wide variety of these products on the market, in bar, in cream, spray, of different brands. Many of them contain hydrochloride of aluminium, which is a very efficient substance in the axillary hipersudoracion control. -Choose cotton garments, which allow the movement of air over the skin, always evaporating sweat and avoiding this build-up.

-Cleans your armpits and antiperspirant applied several times a day. If even with these measures you sudas copiously, do not you be discouraged, there are techniques that can help solve your problem, such as for example the iontophoresis. It is close the pores of the sweat glands by applying a small electric current on the skin. Transthoracic sympathectomy is a surgical intervention that gives good results by controlling the profuse sweating, even when other methods have failed. There are natural remedies for excessive sweat. So, you can combat your excessive sweating using very simple remedies that you can prepare at home. If you want to eliminate your Hyperhidrosis then I suggest that you click here to read my best recommendations for excessive sweat.