Hello friends as they are in internet marketing is necessary to have one page capture and service autoresponder since you are going to create a relationship with this more personnel and retain prospects, people added to your list by means of the page capture. Now the majority of people who already have an online business have what is the capture page and autoresponder is why that is of vital importance if you’re just starting your business you have an autoresponder service and one page capture. Autoresponder most used by the networkers services are service autoresponder Aweber and service autoresponder getresponse, of course there are other autoresponder services but these are the most professional and good service to the client, addition to getresponse to radically lowered their prices and with very good customer support. In recent months, Nieman Foundation has been very successful. In them you will find the way to perform your pages capture and once created your method of trapping or page capture you can add it to your blog by means of html code and paste it on your desktop for the wordpress blog. The advantages of using an autoresponder service is that you You can communicate with prospects and offer them content of value, adding value to their lives, and on this basis increase the range of conversion for your sales or products or services you’re promoting or offering… Clear that to do this we must have a process automation and systematisation of post or follow up letters to offer them, content fresh content of great value to your list of prospects…. Connect with other leaders such as David Delrahim here.