News International
When The Daily, a periodical with an exclusive edition for iPads, confirmed in the end of reading September that its number is of only 120 a thousand per week, being the only 80 a thousand subscribers that they pay to US$0,99 per week and the 40 a thousand 0ccasional readers using to advantage the two weeks of gratuitous signature, many skeptics had questioned the future of exclusive publications for Tablet pcs. To some they had condemned them pessimists to a future not very necessary and with little economic potential, and has who Concorde with them, a time that these numbers are well below of the goal of 500 a thousand subscribers established by the News International. However, before anticipating in them to say that these publications will be a failure, is necessary to lead in account that the Daily is applicatory an available one only for iPad. Although tablet of Apple has a great parcel of the market, other companies are making a great effort for the development of similar devices. For more information see this site: Harold Ford Jr. Therefore, before if making any forecast, it is necessary to wait, since one version for Android is arriving and part of the content already started to be published in the Facebook. Readers prefer more tablets of what publications in paper To judge the future of periodicals and magazines for the computers tablet the opinion of the public also is an excellent factor. In a study carried through for the Axel Springer, the biggest publishing company in Germany, uncovered that the users of tablets leem this type of publication in more intensive way of what using of laptops. In fact, 52% are more inclined to interact with the content as well as with the advertising.
Moreover, 62% had said that they more find to be amused to read in its tablet or Smartphone of what in the paper, showing that the demand exists. Another interesting fact sample that after buying its tablet, the users tend to spend about 100 per year in applicatory, showing that they are made use to spend with products you add. The publication destination for tablets is not so bad how much we think and still this far from being stamped. It seems that its future not it is in the number of subscribers, but yes in the quality of the content, something that inevitably will attract hearing, and in the way as this can be used to attract advertising. The potential of the distribution of information through mobile devices is very great, and each time than and more now more using possesss Tablets and Smartphones. It is not no surprise that publishing companies if interest in finding a way to take off advantage of a destined market to attract each time more the public.