Ramon Sabella Survivor

In October 1972 a plane carrying about 45 young people, many players on a rugby team, a crashed in the Andes. Twelve were killed in the crash. The survivors had to endure including extreme cold, thirst, and hunger. a tried to resist but his hope fell when he heard a radio, which had abandoned the search. a It was the 10 or the day after the accident. Endured freezing temperatures (30 or below zero at night), snow avalanches, and then worried about the continuing death of his companions, two boys decided to cross the huge mountains to reach Chile as well.

Thus Ela a December 22, 1972, after being isolated for 73 days, the world finds out that there are 16 survivors. One of them is Ramon Sabella. At that time Ramon Sabella was 21, was a student of Agricultural Engineering and went on the plane for being friends with some of the components of the rugby team. a Today is a businessman by day and share their business with the facet of a lecturer, giving talks around the world. For me, the essence of his message can be summed up in this sentence: After the accident we had a passive attitude: we waited to be rescued. The 10E day we hear on the radio that the search was abandoned, because we were dead. At first the total decay reactions were: suffering, we cry, we feel abandoned after our attitude changed and we decided to take action. Begin to act to try to save ourselves.