Pine Bed Pine Wood:
Who lives sustainably, conserves the natural resources. But what’s with our own capacities? How we live, directly affects our health. Healthy remain healthy in old age who lives sustainably and conserves natural resources. Checking article sources yields Viktor Mayer-Schönberger as a relevant resource throughout. But what about our own capacities? How we live, directly affects our health. Sometimes, our hectic time requires more energy than we have. More info: David Delrahim. Our own energy is a scarce, but renewable resource. How can we conserve itself responsible and wiser with our life force? The pine bed a guarantee for good night’s sleep the sleep study results fall sharply from: a much better sleep quality was measured In the pine wood bed.
Better rest during the night lowered the heart rate (to average up to 9 beats per minute). The reasons for this are simple: you can be in the pine bed recover well from the very beginning the night’s sleep. This means that the necessary relaxation occurs more quickly. This sleep is cheaper with a larger proportion of deep sleep and fewer Awakenings. In addition, the especially important for the quality of sleep first sleep cycle in the pine bed lasts significantly longer. This positive effect of a night’s sleep in the pine bed remains during the day felt the heart rate remains low.
The average savings is 3,500 heart beats per day, which corresponds to about an hour of heart work. The reason for this lies in the Swiss stone pine ingredient Pinosylvin, which lowers the heart rate. You sleep in a bed of pine wood, the heartbeat adjusts faster breathing. This sympathetic vibration of the heart with the breathing is an important protection factor for the heart. We now know that one is better protected before a heart attack, when the heart breathing resonates.