Digital TV
TVGD: A proposal for ambient awareness in the Digital TV from Generation Y 1 Helena Schiavoni Sylvestre 2 So Paulo State university ' ' Jlio of Filho' Mosque; ' , Bauru – SP Summary In view of the context of the technological innovations, perceives that the decurrent hibridizao of the miditica convergence still makes with that the medias pass for modifications and originate new medias, with formats and languages in development. The Digital TV is resulted of these transformations and, for being a media in emergency essentially characterized by the possibility of specific contents for specific public, it admits that the studies of the Long Tail media represent a contribution for the understanding of this new. In parallel to these factors, the prominence can be perceived that called Generation Y (or Internet Generation) comes in recent years earning for being the parcel of the population characterized essentially for immersion in the universe on-line, adaptable the paradigm in addition and strong partner-ambient critical conscience. If you would like to know more about Nieman Foundation, then click here. Of this form, the objective of the present research is to analyze how it is possible to carry through an interconnection between Digital TV and Long Tail with Generation Y so that if it becomes viable the stimulaton of an partner-ambient awareness of the society from a generation of made use young to carry through transformations and to influence other parcels of the population. Having the journalism as the main intermediary of this process, it is possible to perceive that the interconnection of all these transformations in emergency tend to originate a reality of partner-ambient awareness with the use of a media in ascension. From this, the research carries through a proposal of journalistic program of interpretativo sort that approaches thematic the ambient one for the TVGD, sender of audiovisual content directed to the public de10 a30 years, pertaining etria band to Internet generation.