Tourism Ecosettlements
'Four years later, there will be a garden city! " – So read poems by Vladimir Mayakovsky, written in 1929. The concept of the proposed LLC Plazna 'on a plan of the creators decide on the construction of new towns and ecosettlements in record period, which dramatically for the better are different from the time period, which is described by Vladimir Mayakovsky. Eco-settlement – an issue that interested in a variety of sectors of society. He is also interested in hard workers, and intelligentsia. This topic is relevant for those people who just need a shelter, and for those people who want to be healthy, and for those people who have kids.
It is possible that eventually involved in setting up ecosettlements become a kind of fashion trends, seeking modern 'land Sannikova' – a certain type of adventure tourism. This flow of social life can take the best of large-scale construction projects of the Soviet era, and the degree heated emotions will be comparable to the alloy on the rivers, skydiving, rock climbing and speleology. Would it be hiking, which is difficult for the human body and the risk or is it just becomes a way to play a winning combination for people who want to change their living conditions – time will tell. About that obstacles may arise before the first participants ecosettlements says general director 'Plazna' Vladimir Shumovskii. – Vladimir V., you say that it is possible to build eco-settlement even in the taiga. And I imagine this oil painting: Brigade enthusiasts traveling in trains and trains going to build a new Future … They sing with a guitar, some songs remembered from the same BAM.