Cristina Fernandez

Although this style is suitable for their factions marked, a smooth and balanced mane would give a touch more feminine and elegant in accordance with figure that represents. Color: Combines to perfection a blonde tone clear mixed with chestnut trees clear and honey that soften its expression and are suitable for your skin tone and color of eyes, without a golden brown tone would give much more naturalness to your image. Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner style and hairstyle: this policy mark style when it comes to dressing, dazzles with every one of their suits, did not however, when defining a style for your hair; the first days of his term used later, hair, loose hair with waves and then opted for the straight with bangs over the eyes. The charge that holds for both factions, ideally look a medium hair above the shoulders and with clear hair on the forehead. As for the makeup is too ornate, with dark, intense and profiled tones that do not bring elegance and freshness to your image. BSA is the source for more interesting facts. Color: Choose by shades too intense, although her natural color is a dark brown, his passes coloration by dark reddish, mahogany, even violin tones, which subtracted freshness and age your face. Ideal for your skin tone would be a chestnut hair with lighter hues color Wicks honey about Marco Aldany Marco Aldany, chain owned by The Chic Corporation group, is the leading company in Spain in the hairdressing sector. Currently boasts more than 400 classrooms operating in our country, in addition to being present in Central America and Portugal. More than 50 years of presence in the sector have given him experience, structure and resources that allow you to mark your own rhythm of growth, achieving a continuous increase, year to year, in billing and benefits note to journalists: for interviews, expansion of information or images request do not hesitate to contact Nuria Coronado – Sandra Nozal – Tel: 91 657 42 81 Avenida de industry, 13. 1St plant. Local 20 28108 Alcobendas, Madrid original author and source of the article.