Notre Dame

Deformed children were plays in the sewers of old Rome. In the Average age, deficient they find shelter in the churches, as the QUASMODO of the book corcunda of Notre Dame, of Victor Hugo, who lived isolated in tower of the cathedral of Paris. At the same time the deficient ones gain a function SILLY OF the CUT. Martinho Lutero defended that deficient mental they were devilish beings that deserved punishments to be purificados. OF CENTURY XVI TO THE XIX (RENAISSANCE AGE CONTEMPORARY)? People with physical and mental deficiencies continue isolated of the remaining portion of the society, but now in asylums, convents, shelters. Psychiatric hospital in the Europe appears 1, but all the institutions of this time do not pass of arrests, without specialized treatment nor educational programs. CENTURY XX (AGE CONTEMPORARY)? The carriers of deficiencies pass to be seen as citizens with rights and duties of participation in the society, but under a caritativa assistencial optics. The first line of direction politics of this new vision appears in 1948 with the universal declaration of the human rights.

‘ ‘ All human being has right to educao’ ‘. YEARS 60: Parents and relatives of deficient people organize themselves, appear the first ones critical a segregation. Theoreticians defend the normalization, that is the adequacy of the deficient one to the society to allow its integration. The special education in Brazil appears for the first time in LDB 4024, of 1961. The law points that the education of the bonanza ones must, in what will be possible, be enquadar in the general system of education. YEARS 70: The United States advance in the research and theories of inclusion to provide better conditions of life the mutilated ones of the war of the Vietnam.