King Adversary

The chess possesss the King as main part in which it will have been captured finishes the game in xeque-it kills thus, function of game and to capture King, as well as in life real has its subjects, in case possesss queen that goes in all directions, beyond bishops that is between it and its Queen, in which they walk only in diagonal line and being that if the Bishop will be of the White House, will only live in the White House and the black Bishop of house will only walk in black houses, thus never leaving the line, to assist in the defense of the King and attack of the adversaries possesss the horses that they are the sides of the Bishops, thus the horses plays in letter form L, and when they arrive in the way price it are a complete threat to the adversary, and finally and not less important, has the Towers that they are to the side of the horses and good in the tips of the tray, in which horizontal line and vertical line play in, thus also assist for it of the King have eight laborers that they are in the front line, but with the right of when it arrives in another tip of the tray in the case in finishes house in which he is of the adversary this laborer can exactly be promoted for any part already having in the tray, a good example it would be that it could to be with two Queens to help to the capture of the King Adversary and the protection of its King, thus in the game the Queen has more value being because and the part strongest, thus the life imitates the game as vice versa, thus the adolescent also finishes creating some benefits of better quality of life during the game, mainly psychic, but aid in the hygiene therefore before playing and necessary to wash the hands to touch in the parts, aid in the respect, therefore never the adversary must itself be subestimar, after all you does not know what it can is planning, thus imagining pra good you but in the end he finishes if becoming more good pro adversary, thus everything that will be made during the game must well be thought as well as about the real life, aid in the logical reasoning and mathematical therefore all the houses possess registrations that they remember lgebras, beyond other benefits, thus compared with the life the chess show possibility of that each act taken in the game also involves the life therefore later that made not return, behind optimum of this everything that can improve the play as well as it can never improve the life but losing the hope and always fighting until the end, in which the life also has that to be thus, searching to reach the objective that is xeque it kills, comparing this in the life the pupil must plan, organize and later executing, this everything making of planned and organized form well so that the pupil can reach its objective of life.