
Medeiros One

J.Nunez an example of literature in function of the man: A Possibility To recommence 2 Edition I am river that were dirty for the way and if it purificou running between the rocks and the falls, and sprout another crystalline time. Saulo Menezes Castro is not what the others think that goes to take off Of you the possibility to recommence, to prove that you are capable to be successful. I left my pride and my vanity of side Because love I you excessively to lose you thus. I pardon can you because already I lived the sufficient one to know that we are made of illusions. I learned with my errors, I suffered my failures, I I cried solitude nights. I pardon can you, I also already suffered repentances and he chewed me on the inside to the remorse. I understood that I am human, That the life if makes of victories and failures, That one day are not a life, when it is wanted to be successful, When expect a possibility to recommence.

I was not condemned to the entire life for an error, Also I cannot condemn you the entire life for its error; When I feel that you want to recommence, and that she learned the lesson Of that this world is made of illusion. I know that the pardon comes of the force of the love. Francisco Medeiros J.Nunez Saulo Menezes Castro poet of the integration with a nature, of science without calculations and the philosophy without teses and theories. Poet of the envolvement and the dance with atoms, poet of the fusing of the man I obtain exactly, of the individuality, of conscience to exist and of the integration with the universe. The man is only one small part, an only member of this infinite and universal body. Francisco Medeiros poet conservative of the good customs, the moral, the coerrncia with the life, the dignity, the Christian charity and the decency, qualities that still are revealed in the human being, exactly in this time of sexual freedom and accidental sex. This poet is victim of the inversion of values and the sexual and moral degenerations that are seen today as progress and evolution. He represents the ones that in the same society without revealing its opinion are inflexible. These virtues that if it sees in this poet, are in the truth fruit of a hard one discipline, are perfect behavior are not gratuitous, are a constatao of that this is optimum way for the humanity. The conservadorismo is opposes the conceitualizaes that it searchs to devaluate what it is established as certain to construct to concepts and truths that are favorable its weaknesses and degenerations.

Your Workmanship

Your workmanship you will be tired. If you will be, disoriented. If you will be, weak. This is your workmanship To lead to others, your experience, and your orientation, Your spirit, and your force. Your workmanship is to scatter and to transmit, to lead. To all the espritos, all the needed brothers, To transform pain into pardon, the tear in knowledge, the hatred in love. Yours and our workmanship Reaches a gamma of referred to knowledge Singelos and inherent. Your workmanship Our workmanship It is to give to relief pain.

It is to give light to the blackout. It is to give to the tears a smile. It is to give the hurt to the pardon. Your workmanship is to lead and so only to transmit to all, the immense one, tenuous and singela of all the feelings the referred to transformed love stoned of any resqucio land. The pure love, the love without waiting something in exchange, the celestial love. Our workmanship tranferred in form of words, acts and premises here singela and more pure. This workmanship that for us seen as a pack, an immense pain and lamentations is so only the love we and our father and to our brothers who not yet know evangelho, the moral perfectioning, placid and loving learning stops with us.

Your workmanship Your so incessant fight remains in the infatigvel direction of the good, of the learning of the wisdom. Your workmanship is only to take your inspiration the peace and love and to scatter in our next one. Your workmanship is only to take the light and your knowledge to scatter to all your return. God our father guides and illuminates so that through you my brother, many can come to share of this sublime love and latejante knowledge. Of this unfastened love, simply to love for loving, praying for our brothers who still meet its proper pains atrelados. That this tangent and wisdom can be taken as a light breeze and for all our shared brothers. That your so sublime workmanship, so unfastened of interests land can comfort you, to calm you it this still uneasy heart for the ingratides still lived deeply That your workmanship can still transpose the barriers for you sensible, that if spill this love this desire to share yours and our evolution. That god continues scattering in us these knowledge they are loving That god blesses you has guided you so that you can follow with your workmanship. If strong in the weakness. Because when we are weak, in them we become forts and has led Helps Raises Of peace Light Humildade Charity Love to all the who Gods you trusted. How thus either!

Personal Growth

And how many other people will have do not leave to the street to exhibit their deficiencies, because they are not of bread, but love. Perhaps the moment arrives at which we find in the corners paupers of hugs, of caresses, consolations, with signboards written with irregular letters and misspelling: I do not have hugs and although he is harder, I prefer to request them before to rob them . Tengo a hungry heart and I only request words or a little attention. By God! , that somebody treats like a human being. And while, possibly, we have money very well, eaten very well, affection and everything will very well rot to us not to share it. Once I read that only we will take of this life which we have given. It sounds paradoxical, but it is a great truth. If we did not share we are prevailing to cover its basic needs to that need really it.

And that is unforgivable. You remember have heard speak sometimes of which the ones that they have to pay the tithe? We have the ethical, human obligation, and moral, to aid to those who we pruned, collaborating with a part of our gifts, and with the goods that gives the life to us, or in the form of economic aid, or of a part of our time, our abilities, or even a little sacrifice. It is of human and divine justice. To give and to receive. We are good administrators of our temporary possessions. It is of law, of comradeship and brotherhood, to share a part of the things with which we have been benefitted, or by our effort or thanks to the gifts whereupon God has flattered to us. Other people cannot enjoy than we enjoyed.

And I exclusively do not talk about to give money, since that can be a form to try to silence brings back to consciousness: I also talk about to share our food, our virtues, our capacities, our knowledge and experiences, our time, our love We are in hard, difficult times, and in the next years she can worse be. We are going to need to us more than ever. We must bring to light the charity, the generosity, solidarity, the empathy, the soul: we must make reality whichever these words entail; we must loosen up the capacity to console, to remember how he is that to welcome in us in the underprivileged ones, to distribute, to participate in the situation of the others with intention to help to improve it, to hang the ego in a hanger and to put the task heart to us, to remove the Christ in disuse, and to exercise us in that to make small great miracles. I feel it: no longer I have left more words to follow rogndote that you give to love and compassion. Francisco de Sales. Founder of the Web for people interested in psychology, the espiritualidad, the improvable life, the Self-knowledge and the Personal Growth.

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