Hannelore Herlan

Also, it may cause disability the emergency services. Stay informed: switch on the car radio. Radio stations provide regularly important traffic information. These help realistically assess the situation you and give pointers on how you can shorten the time stuck in traffic. Music for relaxation: listen to music that relaxes you, instead of those that also excites your nerves.

Thus, the time stuck in traffic is more tolerable. Plan ahead: with important professional dates back the tension increases when you are in a traffic jam. Plan enough time buffer therefore just before long trips so that you don’t get stuck behind the wheel in stress. And if you got it yet and you get stuck in a traffic jam, you announce in time it your conversation partner; for a small delay, which will be known in time, everyone understands. For more information: DeutscheVerkehrswacht DtVerkehrswacht contact for the press: Hannelore Herlan spokeswoman Budapest str. 31, 10787 Berlin phone: 030 / 516 51 05 20 mobile: 0151 / 16 62 72 75 the German Verkehrswacht belongs to the oldest and largest civic initiatives in Germany. Since its founding in 1924, she works for more security and fewer accidents on our roads today, with more than 70,000 volunteers dedicated. You inform, advise and train safe behaviour on the road with road users of all ages. The target group programmes of the DVW reach about 2.5 million people per year. The DVW financed their actions and programmes with the support of the Federal Ministry for transport, building and urban development, as well as through membership dues and sponsorship.