Tag Archive: education

Stewart Mathematics

"( Stewart: 1998, 16) The mathematics rather than a system of signs and rules must be understood as a cultural heritage in the sense of understanding the subject's development in terms of developing the symbolic function, logic, mathematics, between the subject's mind and logical symbolism. Importantly, students learn Math interacting in diversity, which leads to the abstraction of mathematical ideas from complexity, this means students face a new methodological perspective: research and resolution problem, these aspects that allow them to explore, discover, and create standards versus their own thought processes for the consolidation of logical structures of thought, that give them self of self-knowledge and enduring face reality. First we must remember that the learning of mathematics, like other disciplines, is most effective if the recipient is motivated. It is therefore necessary to introduce the student activities according to their stage of development and to awaken their curiosity and creativity. These activities should relate to everyday life experiences. The purpose of learning mathematics concerns the competence, defined as "the ability with which a subject has to be primarily about referents allow us to act with knowledge of mathematics to solve mathematical problems in different areas. " In the area of mathematics learning object is the competence of mathematical thinking.

The theoretical approach is systemic guidelines with emphasis on the development of thinking and solving problems. This means maintaining the systemic conception of mathematics, but the emphasis is made in the resolution of problems and the development of mathematical thinking. The historical commitment of mathematics aims to be clear about the historicity of this science.

Movement School

MST Francielle de Camargo Ghellere1 SUMMARY: The organization of the educational system as we know in them presents a bias of the education the service of the capitalist system, affirming in its speeches for the promotion, to be an efficient measure to develop the transformation of the society, that more is worried in guaranteeing the permanence of the individual in the school of what an education in fact with quality, believing that the fact of all to be inserted in the pertaining to school environment assures a life more good, disrespecting the proper citizen, its life, its half and its culture. The transformation thus, if becomes difficult, almost impossible. Inverting this logic, the Movement of the Agricultural Workers Without Land? MST, that has for character to be a social movement, not only fights for the land, but also, for a society joust, ‘ ‘ it takes for si’ ‘ the occupation of the land and if appropriates of the education, forming its proper concept of one education for the transformation of the society, creating an opinion much more beyond this existence, directed toward some dimensions of the human being, without losing the main focus, therefore understands that the education of its pairs is basic also to endorse the fight for the land and consequently for a society more joust. Thus, they had finished for constituting a specific category to its yearnings, that are the schools of the MST, that possesss a proper organization of its especificidade. We consider with this work to socialize the study that we carry through in the school of the MST, during the supervised period of training, aiming at to contribute for a bigger quarrel concerning practical pedagogical the existing ones in the pertaining to school institutions to the school that we want, that is, notes for a possible education for social transformation.

Computer Systems

This seminar is recommended for designers of engineering systems data center for project managers data centers for IT professionals and, of course, the seminar will be very interesting and useful for data center customers. Educational materials that are provided to participants, to provide a large amount of information on the requirements and recommendations for data center facilities, provide know-how and allow you to raise the professional level. + The "Requirements and recommendations for data center engineering systems" + The Workshop will unique author's guide, "The requirements and recommendations for data center engineering systems", which includes requirements and recommendations found in the standards for data centers and in the normative and technical documentation associated with engineering systems, engineered in a data center. With guidance you can develop a technical specification for the data center, find a link to the normative and technical documentation to complete the project. + + Manual "Requirements for premises and conduit in the data center" + Participants will receive copyright management "Requirements for premises and conduit in the data center", developed on the basis of the requirements of standards and data center Standard TIA/EIA-569-A.

Testimonials about workshops Vadim Whereupon, Computer Systems, Cherkessk "interesting and useful workshops, learned a new one:)) I am pleased to hear it yet," Igor Kireev, Invest-Project, Moscow: "The workshop on 05/13/09 The first thing worth mentioning – depth study of extensive material on a given topic, and as a result – a product that is useful and important need in the work and designers, and customers. Useful and necessary not only for beginners, but and has long been working. Visibility, which again affects dostupnost.V skill work with the audience, the ability to not leave indifferent and bored of the participants. The second – the author does not stop there. Make adjustments in the material, given the emergence of new documents. Although, honestly, and with the operating time you can live in peace and rabotat.Esche Thanks again for the work and valuable material "Anna Apokin, LLC Microinform, Minsk, Belarus: "It is like the workshop! Especially nice that it's my first experience in this kind of seminar.

I consider it important to talk about "simple truths" that are not written in clever books, and, unfortunately, come only with experience in practice. " Vladimir Chikarin, arche, Omsk, "Dmitry. Thanks for the seminar. All very cleverly chewed. The online seminars are convenient because we have similar activities in Omsk, a rarity. A trip to the same Novosibirsk takes time and extra costs. And then straight on the job! "Learn, learn and learn again to design the data center, Organizational issues * Start date – August 19, at 12-00 * Duration Training – 3:00 * The cost of the training course, including a guide 6000 rubles Links * Instructions on connecting to the Internet workshop can be found here Required technologies: * access to the Internet – 256 kbit / sec headphones or speakers

Basic Ensino Research

The carrying pupils of necessities special they are taken care of by professionals of the areas of Occupational Therapy, Fonoaudiloga, Social Assistance, Psicologia and Psicopedagoga. The Laboratory of Computer science gives courses stops: professors, employees, pupils, special members of the community, pupils with necessities. Currently, the school in study takes care of 1,300 pupils with lessons in the diurne turns and nocturnal for adults and already it more than benefited 30,000 pupils since its foundation. 12 pupils registered 4 had participated of this research series and the 8 pupils of 5 series of Basic Ensino, in the total of 20 pupils, August of 2010, which had answered to the questions in classroom. The answered questions had been tabulated, grouping them as the answers of the pupils, interpreted, and boarded during the work.

6 RESULTS AND QUARRELS Table 4 Participation of the family in charging the house lesson. To charge the Lesson of House N % Yes 16 80,00 Not 4 20,00 TOTAL 20 100,00 Source: Direct research. Table 5 – It receives aid from the family in the house lesson. Aid Lesson of House N % Yes 17 85,00 Not 3 15,00 TOTAL 20 100,00 Source: Direct research. Table 6 Possuem books beyond the pertaining to school.

Books Beyond the Pertaining to school N % Yes 11 55,00 Not 9 45,00 TOTAL 20 100,00 Source: Direct research. Table 9 What more it values in the school. Importance of Professor 5 25,00 values in the School N % Good 75,00 Notes 15 TOTAL 20 100,00 Source: Direct research. Table 11 What the father or to the mother makes they leave that them happyer. Affection 13 65,00 leaves the Happyest Pupils N % Time who are together 7 35,00 TOTAL 20 100,00 Source: Direct research.

World Wide Web

The current world around us a long time ago could become a huge number of separate social systems, securely separated by enormous distances in one informative and in a sense, money space. Because a full study of foreign language at the moment is not only a fashionable topic, but the real need for a huge number of people. For someone who loves to travel around the world, any language needed to communicate in a faraway country and receive the maximum amount of information. For someone who is professionally engaged in business, foreign language proficiency – is a great opportunity to improve understanding with business partners and reduce the cost of an interpreter. And in a situation, if you want to learn a foreign language, and yet on this will be free time, then the best solution – this study English language online, the teacher and student interact with each other in the current time using the World Wide Web. The advantage of this type of training immediately noticeable: courses actually carried out in conditions of real time, which must be found in his table only time corresponding to the specified time occupation. No need to free time on the path to your classes and vice versa. Also, stay in native of your home or office is much reduced degree of nervous tension.

And then the English or German online real master with the greatest ease. Moreover, the benefits of tutoring with using virtual technology is obvious: in a similar manner acceptable to visit the lessons that are held directly supports foreign language who are able to reside in any other power, for hundreds of thousands of miles away. Want to see that language learning through virtual technologies at the same time is much less simple lessons with a private tutor. And all because there is not need to spend big amount for the rental of classrooms, as well as travel expenses of the teacher. Citizens perfectly capable of owning a foreign language, facilitate, and in many other aspects, including when the translation from one language on the other.

Corporate documents and personal notes, contracts and much more knowledgeable interpreters will translate into a foreign language in the shortest period of time. If you become interested in English with native speaker, you should refer to the connoisseurs, who would allow such a nuance is fast and the most good. Will you learn a foreign language themselves or flee for help, and transfer to a specialist – in any If each of us is perfect, that the biggest value, and in my personal life and in business – is able to freely interact. And now it's available to everyone.

SUPERIOR EDUCATION: The Research As Pedagogical Tool

Micheline Rodrigues Olegini Cilene Maria Rasp Antunes Maciel superior education is today essential factor for the professional qualification, without a doubt he is one of them pillars for the development of any country. The present article whose the subject is ‘ ‘ Superior education: The research as tool pedaggica’ ‘ , it has for purpose to approach the questions that permeiam the educative research as practical and the importnica of the professional of the education to be qualified to use it. It is the tool of the reconstruction of practical the pedagogical one in order to condition our professional futures to usufruct of the cinetfica research for the one best one resulted in its lives professional and human being. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Superior education, research, tool, reconstruction. Micheline Rodrigues Olegini Cilene Maria Rasp Antunes Maciel Nowadays to higher education is essential will be professional qualification; undoubtedly it is very important part will be any country development. This article which the theme is ‘ ‘ Higher education: Research a pedagogic tool’ ‘ aims at boarding this frequent questions involving the professional practice of research that is both an educative and important tool that the must be uses prepared you. Practical It is the tool of pedagogic reconstruction in way that our future professionals may have the scientific research on to their side will be to better result in to their lifes, both professional and human Key words: Higher education, research, tool, reconstruction When we speak in superior education soon we imagine classrooms repletas of pupils and all with much expectation of what summer in the next years, anxious so that its professors withhold all knowledge and transmits them so that they leave apt professionals for the market work.