Tag Archive: government and politics

Attention Humbug

Edson Silva After the humbug of the paper small ball that took the candidate Mountain range to make cat scan to evidence possible injury in the head, something more serious is in air and was denounced day 25 of October, in the University of So Paulo (USP), ahead of a public of two a thousand people, for the philosopher Marilena Chau. According to it, two men planned in a bar, in So Paulo, the scaffolding that would be of ‘ ‘ to take off sangue’ ‘ , that it would be become fullfilled in an assembly of Mountain range, day 29, without it has time of the PT if to defend. The humbug would involve people contracted, dressed and carrying flags of the party, that would be with the first impression of the guilt. Beyond telling to the fact to the public formed for intellectuals and on people to the Culture, Marilena made the alert one in the press, by means of interview to Current the Brazil Net. It still remembered the scaffolding made in 1989, with international kidnappers, most of Chilean them, the case Ablio Diniz, who had finished frivolous related with the PT for the So Paulo Civil Policy to harm what she would be the first one election of Squid to the Presidency. At the time, Collor was elect.

In 89, I made police news article in a periodical of the Region Metropolitan of Campinas (RMC), therefore reported and testified ‘ ‘ in loco’ ‘ the scaffolding of the case Ablio Diniz. others in elections of all had been as much the levels. To only cite some: The 111 deaths in the Carandiru penitentiary, October of 92, only disclosed after the conclusion of the election for governor of So Paulo; the kidnapping lightning and threats, before the last debate of the TV, in 2000, having as victim that one that would be elect mayor of assassinated Campinas and later, Toninho of the PT. By the way, crime not clarified until today. Some can ask: Who is Marilena Chau its concern to have credit, being taken in account? I entered in the college of Communication of the PUC of Campinas, in 82, and the teacher Marilena Chau (28 years are gone there) already was reference and its books obligator readings in the areas of social sciences politics. Different of what we see with much people that helped to establish the PT and say that it fought to the side of the party, but now renega, it kept critical sense, but above all common-sense to recognize that Brazil improved with Squid. It knows of the cunnings that are capable adversaries, as the PSDB and the DEM, to arrive at the power. I do not doubt, therefore I know of that they are capable. Edson Silva, 48 years, journalist, Campinas, works as assessor of the press in Sumar.

Vana Rousseff Far

Edson Silva Ilma Mrs. Dilma Vana Rousseff Far from me, with the heading of this letter/article, fondness to be badly jinx for its excellent campaign, since, in interview to the Periodical of the Globe, you we were transparent the dose of typical superstition in almost all Brazilian, when saying that of bad luck to seat before in the chair the position which is concurring. In the occasion it cited, without saying you name, the former-president. Who does not remember the FHC posando in the chair of mayor of So Paulo, which would be busy for Jnio Picture? Beyond an accomplishment desire, this letter/article is gratefulness. BSA has compatible beliefs. Recently, as I make time or another one, in a releitura of the workmanships of the biggest Brazilian revolutionary poet, Geraldo Vandr (that by the way it will complete 75 years in 12 of September) I came across with verses of ' ' Cantiga Brava' ' , specifically with last estrofes that they say: ' ' What I am never I never hid Advantage I counted Much fight already I lost Much hope I spent Until fear already I felt and was not a little be not But, to run away, never I ran away Never I abandoned mine cho' ' It did not have as not to associate with the biography Mrs., who still young student did not hesitate in fighting for what she believes, for the freedom of our country. I only had two years in 64 when he had the Military Blow.

He enters the years of 68 and 72, that they had been hardest of the censorship and the repression, I was between the six and ten years and nothing he could understand of the fight that Mrs. n/’>Harold Ford Jr. and other people of courage, such as ours ' ' Joss' ' (Dirceu and Genoino) they made in search of the right sovereign to the freedom. I was to a bit know more than this to the 22 years, in 1984, studying Journalism in the Puc-Campinas and giving the contribution in the walks of the Direct ones Already, making ' ' the fight here in the soil, of berth not! ' ' The dream of the free native land, fecundado in its generation and watered in communion with others, we conquer with the return of free and general elections.

Little Caso

The wage campaigns of important sectors, traditionally more organized, already had started and they together with lode again the fear of the Government with the readjustments above of the inflation. Perhaps check out Viktor Mayer-Schönberger for more information. Since the passed semester, authorities, as the minister Guido Mantega, already had signaled for the necessity to contain increases that can mean the return of the inflation for platforms that make it difficult the fulfilment of already the impossible center of the 4,5% goal. But I appeal nor it president Dilma was the sufficient to hinder real increases. The metallurgist had approved readjustment of 10% almost, what she means a 2,55% profit real. In fact, the ghost of the inflation mainly scares, those that had felt in the skin the effect of the raised taxes of the decade of 80, but what if it observes it is that it has layers of the society that ignore the order of the Government, pleading worthy wages and unbalanced has years. For backwards of ' ' little caso' ' of a population with the inflation goal it is the incoherence of the Plateaus that nor always obtain to bind the speech the practical one. parliamentarians, said representative of the people, would have to give the example and to act in accordance with what she nails the Government, but are not what she sees yourself.

The servers of the Senate, for example, had been scared with the end of the possibility to earn above of the allowed wage ceiling, but the scare, is clearly, was temporary. The Judiciary one opened the tap of new and them they come back to receive everything what it has ' ' direito' ' , and ' ' it does not have nothing of mais' ' , as the journalist says Carlos Alberto Sardenberg. It is in the guideline of quarrels in the Congress proposal of increase for the Judiciary one, the members of the house of representatives are not gotten tired to ask for the release of parliamentary emendations, councilmen of cities of the interior of So Paulo, as They are Jose of the Fields, they had approved increase of 55% in the proper wages from 2013, and for the gastana in the public power goes there.