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The guaranteed obligation of which it is spoken when it is tried to acquire money by means of mortgages, it consists of having to give back a granted credit, or a given loan, plus the accessory responsibilities product of the possession, that are determined using three fundamental variables: Capital: sum of money given by the indebted creditor to the hypothecating one. The amount of the debited capital usually is smaller than the value of accomplishment of the mortgaged property. Center For Responsible Lending may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Term: time that will take the return from the capital and its accessories. The return of the loan is realised through periodic payments until giving back the capital asked for added to all the accumulated interests during the agreed time to give back the main one. Interest: annual percentage that is due to pay to the mortgagee or financial organization for gains of the capital.

The type of interest can be fixed as well (maintains its value throughout all the term of the loan) or variable (its S-value is reviewed periodically). The 3 previous variables, obtain that them when asking information on plans of mortgages in banks, allows to know which will be the gains that the financial organization will obtain is possible to realise the calculations to know which will be the gains the organization by the concession of the loan and which will be the quota that must pay monthly until amortizing it totally. where the term must be expressed in months and the interest must be mensualizado. The result of this formula will allow him to consider the quota that will acquire the financial organization to him under the conditions by means of which it granted the hypothecating loan to him. Original author and source of the article

Preventive Health Supplements

Health is the most precious thing we have is a priceless gift that must be protected in every way. And most importantly, it should be done wisely. You can not just hear from someone on something, go for drugs or herbs (y They also have side effects). Need to turn to professionals to reliable sources. It must be understood to understand the reason for our problems, make the right decision. From what built our body? From what we are made? From which to build our cells? What do they need to exist? Our body – a kind of mechanism, its existence needs nutrients: minerals, vitamins, proteins, fats (in spite of the fact that we all avoid them) carbohydrates. We eat, so it was all in our body, so he could work and we could live, to exist. Our food – how many nutrients in them? Look around, what is happening to our environment? In our food valuable components smaller and smaller.

We do not get enough nutrients from our food. We live surrounded by stress. A stress disrupt our nervous system and suppress our immune system. What do we do? The best thing that we can offer a science at this point – it's biologically active supplements (dietary supplements). Biologically active food supplements obtained by using high-tech processing of natural plant herbs.

They contain vitamin-mineral complex and phytochemicals. Each plant is going in a certain time of year, because it affects the nutrient composition of grass. Then, fresh plants and herbs are placed in special "Eco-transporters" and delivered to the factory. Unique technology kriodrobleniya (grinding of raw materials in low-temperature environment in an atmosphere of inert gas nitrogen) used in the production of biologically active additives, preserve useful properties of plant components, without killing the life-giving force of herbs.


It is the relationship between humans and especially between men and women break up blood, fill the lungs with oxygen, cloud the brain. Looks, touch, hint. Flirt. We are constantly engaged in this process, even when it’s all fed up and want to close from around the world. And we always know the exact object to which our conscious and directed unconscious tools and techniques. As a rule, all our actions are predictable and simple, and therein lies the charm of seduction.

Both sides know what it was about what would follow later, and it will all end, but carefully closed on all of this and allow yourself to relax and enjoy deceived. Relations 50/50 – it’s an easy form of communication, when no one is obliged to nobody. Everyone kept at a distance. The man seemed to be close and it seems to be no simultaneously. Relations are replaced by simple proximity, often in haste and without mutual claims. Very soon it becomes a habit, and then completely replace us.

Very soon, then what makes us alive and sentient, forcing us to commit acts crazy and indulge in adventurous adventure, no longer interested at all. Flirting, seduction, seduction, relationships do not inspire us. Life itself loses brightness and contrast. And all this just because in everything and everywhere, these favored 50-50. Nothing serious, and anything concrete. I would not answer, and you, in general, about anything do not ask. It’s easier and calmer. But only does it have happier? Does it lead us to the great love that can turn the whole world upside down? Why all these half-measures, polusvyazi, poludeystviya, poluotnosheniya? And what if we take, and once in a lifetime to go to a hundred or even two hundred per cent in everything. In every look and every breath. In every word and every desire. In every action. Perhaps then, put on the full, surrendering to his feelings, sensations, emotions, will find happiness that can support you all life and to keep love real and true … Perhaps, then life will again delight you such simple things as the loved one’s eyes in the morning after waking up. So maybe we should start to live deeply, inhaling and soaking up the sunshine every cell of your heart? Right now. Without delay and not devaluing the life of its own, and not wasting time on meaningless empty words and false smiles. Who have experienced it once, he understands the meaning of go to the full.