Movement School

MST Francielle de Camargo Ghellere1 SUMMARY: The organization of the educational system as we know in them presents a bias of the education the service of the capitalist system, affirming in its speeches for the promotion, to be an efficient measure to develop the transformation of the society, that more is worried in guaranteeing the permanence of the individual in the school of what an education in fact with quality, believing that the fact of all to be inserted in the pertaining to school environment assures a life more good, disrespecting the proper citizen, its life, its half and its culture. The transformation thus, if becomes difficult, almost impossible. Inverting this logic, the Movement of the Agricultural Workers Without Land? MST, that has for character to be a social movement, not only fights for the land, but also, for a society joust, ‘ ‘ it takes for si’ ‘ the occupation of the land and if appropriates of the education, forming its proper concept of one education for the transformation of the society, creating an opinion much more beyond this existence, directed toward some dimensions of the human being, without losing the main focus, therefore understands that the education of its pairs is basic also to endorse the fight for the land and consequently for a society more joust. Thus, they had finished for constituting a specific category to its yearnings, that are the schools of the MST, that possesss a proper organization of its especificidade. We consider with this work to socialize the study that we carry through in the school of the MST, during the supervised period of training, aiming at to contribute for a bigger quarrel concerning practical pedagogical the existing ones in the pertaining to school institutions to the school that we want, that is, notes for a possible education for social transformation.