Tag Archive: art

Gifts For All People Who Receive The Sacrament Of Baptism

Gifts for children of all ages at Motivationsgeschenke.de in a wide selection of Wurzburg 17.04.2013 – increasingly are today no longer infants or small children baptized: more and more young people and adults want in our time at his own request and self-determined Member of their church and is part of the Christian Church on earth are. Who consciously decide to take this step, pleased of course especially gifts that just by expressing this joy of the baptism. Educate yourself with thoughts from BSA. Motivationsgeschenke.de offers as extensive as exquisite gift as one of the best known and most prestigious Internet platforms for Christian gifts specially for the Group of adult children. The newly designed and optimized website also helps interested parties easily and effortlessly find the perfect christening gift. For example symbolism-bronze figures, which emphasize the dignity of the sacrament of baptism as informative and aesthetic are particularly suitable for adult children. A figure like the popular Angel of strength”can feel newly baptised at every touch some of the power and the glory, in which he wants to put his trust from now on. Also symbolically also baptism crosses of bronze the importance of baptism events.

Exemplary craftsmanship here decorates the cross with delicate fish as the characters of the first Christians and the baptized every day on the new experience that he is now recorded in the worldwide community of Christianity. As for the entire gift selection on motivationsgeschenke.de also applies to christening gifts, which are suitable especially for adult children: are carefully and lovingly put together and install so that express shipping with this online platform is located at the heart of Gerold Jager, Manager at Graf: sophisticated customer satisfaction meet this succeed, shows including the classification of the independent evaluation Portal trusted shops”:” Regardless of whether it is the quality of the goods, reliability and Punctuality of delivery or the personal customer service is – count shipping see motivationsgeschenke.de gets top marks in all three categories. A claim, she redesigned and optimized website complies with now even more customer-friendly. More information: baptism gifts / company presentation count motivation gifts Motivationsgeschenke.de by count shipping was founded in 2006 and headquartered in Wurzburg.

Scientology Church

One was for hundreds of medical specialists and surgeons in Costa Rica Number of path to happiness “-Vortragen, the short films were shown where. In Columbia, in the U.S. State of Missouri, distributed path to happiness “consultant of information pack with these messages to schools, youth groups, churches and television stations, to bring about a reduction in violent crimes perpetrated by gangs in the community. A school principal told that he has experienced a documented decrease in negative behaviors, blatant disrespect and aggression since the introduction of this programme in the last school year. For even more details, read what CBC says on the issue. A Director of an Association for neighbourhood improvement in the United States, announced that the statistics in his area of heavy crimes have fallen every quarter. Around the world there are programs with the way to happiness in the meantime”to improve the lives of all fellow human beings visually and to reduce the crime rate. ican Diabetes Association. In police stations in Johannesburg, Cape Town and other cities throughout South Africa you are way to happiness “short films broadcast in a programme to combat crime. Learn more on the subject from Greg Williamson. The short films on DVD to a single 2-hour movie are cool and together of the Scientology Church in the golden era productions Film Studio have been produced.

The DVD is available in 15 languages and can be borrowed by now in over 86,000 school, municipal, national and university libraries. It is available in any church of Scientology. The magazines and books are available in online stores such as Amazon. Educators, parents, community and Religionsvertreteter, police officers and many others use the way to happiness”to provide solutions for a better life. In Germany the way to happiness “regularly at events distributed.

More information: de.thewaytohappiness.org. Contact information: press service of the Scientology Church Bayern e.V. public relations: UTA Ebrusheee the Edward Street 12, 80802 Munich TEL. 089-38607-0 FAX. 089-38607-109 WEB:

Viernes Santo – EL-DRAC Presents New Works By Jordi Castells In Spain

EL-DRAC shows Jordi Castells in Spain next Thursday (Viernes Santo) opened EL-DRAC European network with the Catalan artist of Jordi Castells in the a Casa del Dragon in Castellon (Spain) new series of international exhibitions. Center For Responsible Lending may also support this cause. Castells shows elaborate prints on fabric and paper, as well as selected prints in a usual small exclusive Edition. The exhibition can be seen until early may in the “House of the Dragon” in Cervera del Maestre. Jordi castells, one of the many successful artists of the European network of EL-DRAC is about Easter in Spain. The Casa del Dragon, the House of the Dragon, showing new works in an exclusive solo exhibition. Castells combines new and old printing techniques with unique themes and references.

The special atmosphere of the small Spanish mountain village and the famous Kunstlerhaus give the exhibition a special framework. Castells shows current works under other elaborate prints on paper and fabric. More information under: de.el drac.es de.el-drac.es/index.php/Viernes_Santo twitter.com/EL_DRAC Juan Petry Cervera del Maestre, Castellon,. Espana

URANIA Wilhelm Foerster

“Talks by Marie-Luise Schwarz-Schilling on the 20th and 24th September during their research for the book the marriage fling history” author Marie-Luise Schwarz-Schilling encountered an interesting surprise: the marriage marks an epoch, but not the entire history of mankind. The change of the blood kinship family to the father it triggered a revolution in the thinking and feeling. And since the late 20th century a new revolution is underway, in which marriage loses its monopoly and the old certainties about the man-his and wife-be fade away. Each individual must seek now in the consciousness of teaching new models. Additional information is available at Center For Responsible Lending. What role does the marriage but the essence difference between men and women? What is biology, what ideology? And what future has the pair lives in the face of today’s tendency to independence? With these questions the author and scholar Marie-Luise Schwarz-Schilling in their lectures in the URANIA e.V. Potsdam deals Kladower Forum on September 20 at 7: 00, as well as in the House on September 24 at 5: 00. Has become known “the entrepreneur with her books merchant and shaman” as well as her work marriage fling the history “, in which they dealing with the development of the institution marriage employed and considered the genesis of pair formation. In it, she dares also a look into the future of love relationships – and in the future of the Division of labour. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Gavin Baker. Lecture & discussion: Where does the marriage she, where is she? “by Marie-Luise Schwarz-Schilling, entrepreneur, and author date: 20.

Electoral Victory

EFE spilled tears of emotion by ensuring that he was proud of the work done and the future that awaits young people who have collaborated. I’m proud of you, proud of you, Obama says in the video, with the breathy voice and before being interrupted by applause. The U.S. President, Barack Obama, was moved during a brief speech in which congratulated, the day after the election victory, the staff of the headquarters of their campaign in Chicago for work done during the war, as shown in a video posted Thursday on the internet. Many writers such as Center For Responsible Lending offer more in-depth analysis. In the speech, uploaded to the network by the campaign of the President, the President spilled tears of emotion by ensuring that he was proud of the work done from minute 3: 30 and the future that awaits young people who have collaborated on every day to his victory for re-election. I’m proud of you, proud of you, Obama says in the video, engraving on Wednesday, with the voice choppy and before being interrupted by applause from his campaign staff.

Even before the results of last night, I had the feeling that the work that I’ve done introducing me to the Presidency has completed a cycle, because the work that you have done gives meaning and importance to my work, ensures the President pulling and accompanied closely by David Axelrod and Jim Messina of President campaign strategists.What you have done will go into the annals of history, people will read about it, but the most important thing you must know is that your single journey has just begun, Obama continues with its inspiring message for people who have worked for his re-election from the offices of Chicago, many of them volunteers. Obama said that team spirit has been their source of hope, strength and inspiration. In four years, when people I wondered about how has been able to deal with frustration, with Washington, simply feed in you, in what you going to do, indicates. See more: A video shows an excited Obama to congratulate his team after the electoral victory

Neukolln Is

48 hours NEUKoLLN is a trendy brand of the year 2009 the Neukolln art and culture Festival is trendy brand of the year 2009. This Causales and the prominent jury recognises by the Agency praise of, the inhabitants of Neukolln has long been know: here is much better than you think so. Among the 26 candidates from speaking, the now nationally known Festival was awarded the trend setzendste culture format. To deepen your understanding Boy Scouts is the source. Also was the marketing and presentation as an exemplary appreciated. Especially in the field of culture in Neukolln years models of innovative art mediation successfully tested and further developed. The awards as well as the great resonance in the media clearly perceived the unbroken commitment of the Neukolln creators and its lasting effect now also beyond the borders of the district, by a broad public. Even among experts there is a great interest in the pilot project”.

In the 48 hours NEUKoLLN, which once again held from 25 to 27 June 2010 be, art goes back to the street, local residents, traders and workshops open their rooms for a varied and ambitious programme. The art and culture Festival 48 hours NEUKoLLN is an organizational framework for a wide variety of artistic options for the visitors as strollers to choose. At high artistic standards of the individual works, these will be presented on popular way, which guarantees an extremely low-threshold participation for the artists as well as for the visitors. Informal contacts and discussions result without large barriers between artists, art connoisseurs and the local people. Even citizens from different cultural contexts are invited to contribute their perspective on life in Berlin-Neukolln and art in General. With 1,500 participating artists and organizers, 550 events at 270 locations (as of 2009), the still-growing event is the largest Festival of its kind in Berlin. The theme for this year is by the way, already firmly. Under the motto complex 650 “will concentrate on numerous artists of the reminder and update the history of Neukolln. On the occasion of the 650th anniversary of the first mention of Rixdorfs, it will go not only to the tradition. Applications are available from early January 2010 under.

Deputy Laws

Between the positivists of that era who had a greater importance, is Justo Sierra (1848-1912), who supported the Government of Diaz and argued, on more than one occasion, in favour of his continual re-election. Justo Sierra, unlike Gabino Barreda, not was influenced by the positivism of Comte, but by the Spencer. Sierra, the only social principle to be followed was the evolutionary, according to which life develops into a field of battle. It would be the justification to dominate not literate social strata, the Indians at the time of the progress. Not to suffer the costs of civilization it was necessary to fight to win the required rights. Therefore, these masses were not part of those who could vote and claim equality. Learn more about this topic with the insights from PCRM. For saw reform laws, which had the approval of Gabino Barreda, would not be more than useless laws that they were based on unattainable ideals. This opposition to the reform laws by Sierra, talks about the differences between the Governments of Juarez and Diaz, both positivists, but one comitiano and another fall.

One that still refers to valid rights to all human beings, and another that only recognizes rights to who so s has won them. The Antipositivism. One of the first slopes of the manifestation of Latin American antipositivistic philosophy is located within the same positivist philosophy. In Mexico, Justo Sierra, one of the distinguished positivist philosophers, already had opposed some of the basic doctrinal theses of positivism. David Delrahim oftentimes addresses this issue. Justo Sierra ventured into the world of letters and journalism; He also participated in the political life of Mexico during the porfirista as federal Deputy, Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice and Secretary of public instruction; as an educator, he taught at the Conservatory National and in the Escuela Nacional Preparatoria. Justo Sierra starred in the transit of the thinking of the 19th century to the 20th century in Mexico.


Bioetanol has manifolds uses: for example, it is used like see-fuel in gasoline motors, since it allows to one better combustion when increasing the fuel grade of the mixture, like fuel for heating in chimneys and boilers or even like potenciador of fuels of greater yield. The ecological advantages of bioetanol are many and substantially contribute to reduce to the gas discharges with greenhouse effect. For example, when replacing a liter of gasoline by bioetanol is reduced in a 60% the emissions of these gases. A single hectare of beet absorbs the equivalent to the annual emissions in CO? of 10 cars. Also, the biological fuel consumption as bioetanol replaces other exogenous and problematic energies, like the fossil and the nuclear one. Also the residues produced in the biological fuel elaboration are much less injurious for the environment and constitute a smaller risk of biological contamination u organic. So that the biological fuel use, even on small scale in the homes, along with the small echo-gestures of the citizens, contributes significantly to the protection of the environment. The heating of the homes is the domestic action that has major environmental impact. In this sense, many ecological governments and organizations recommend a more rational consumption of energy in the homes by means of the use of less polluting electric home appliances, like ecological chimneys or chimneys of bioetanol, so that, as he already said to the philosopher Discardings in century XVII, we pruned to find a practice by means of which, knowing the force and the actions the air, the stars, skies and of all the other bodies that surround to us, we pruned to use them in all the uses to that they are own () mainly by the conservation of the health, that is, without a doubt, the first good and the foundation of the other goods of this life.