Tag Archive: news & press lyrics

Contacts Visitors

Personal contacts increase the chances of finding a job on January 12 from 12 pm 6 pm informed the KarriereMesse CampusChances students and graduates of all disciplines and semester internships and job opportunities. Companies in various industries have more than 2,000 vacancies up for grabs and are the visitors from 12 until 18.00 in the NRW Forum (Ehrenhof 2 40479 Dusseldorf) answer. A comprehensive lecture program, free career advice and resume checks help the visitors even in the crisis well prepared plan career. Whether trainee program or direct entry, semester job or internship, thesis student support, the possibilities in the job to enter are varied. Who gives no overview, don’t know circumstances, what opportunities. The KarriereMesse CampusChances offers students and graduates of all disciplines and semester many ways to obtain current and practical information about employment and career planning, personal Contacts to establish human resources managers.

Who has been more accurate ideas about his future career, can register in advance of the fairs for career interviews with the exhibiting companies. Online registration is at CampusChances.de. Registration is possible until 7 January 2010. Next to the contact to the company representatives, trade fair visitors can take but also tutoring in terms of application to complete: CampusConcept team brings years of consultant experience and specialises in finding individual career paths for each individual candidate. Visitors must bring a complete application kit for the check of the application documents. A login is not required additional skilled professionals from practice at answer to various questions around the themes of promotion and career career and company presentations. Here the program of career lectures Overview: 12:00 interview 13:00 successfully on the net – so you see working in Germany online 14:00 Company 15:00 salary negotiations expect that successfully the 17:00, 16:00 job search in times of crisis lead properly apply in Germany trade fair visit is free of charge.

Offer And Enjoy For A Good Cause

Teddy auction charity dinner in the EventKochstudio under the motto of Teddy’s help and children on Wednesday, 13 November, 18: 00, in the EventKochstudio of Frank Schwarz gastro Group (FAYAZ) on the Duisburg wholesale 95 Teddy bear for a charity auction. Then asks the leading catering company on the Ruhr and Rhine to a charity dinner, whose Erlos will be donated to three organizations. A very generous donor has provided valuable, rare and antique teddy bears by Steiff and Hermann for the auction from their private collection of 95 for the part. Neeman Foundation has much experience in this field. After the auction, it continues culinary. For this purpose, the FAYAZ team in the EventKochstudio served an autumnal four-course gourmet meal. The guests can spend a couple of relaxed hours this evening and at the same time do something good.

For our company is of course”social commitment, FAYAZ’s Managing Director Frank Schwarz says. You may find Michael James Burke to be a useful source of information. We us love for young people use, not on the sunny side of the Life are. “And just in Duisburg, there are very many children and teenagers who have sorely needed our help.” With the proceeds of the auction of the Teddy and the charity dinner, three dedicated organizations are supported, which take care of ill and vulnerable children in Duisburg and the surrounding area. In addition to the colourful district of Duisburg Club”are this Riskid” and the Association of child and youth clinic HELIOS St. Johannes Hospital Duisburg-Hamborn. The Teddy charity team to Helga-Maria Poll, Sassa von Roehl, Monika Sadhu and Gabriele Weber is sure that the EventKochstudio is fully booked this evening on the last seat. Therefore, it is advisable to sign binding under. Information:

Club Culture

Award at the Stuttgart calendar show for a masterpiece of print enhancement’ DENKalender 2010 of the company print culture Spathling”wins bronze at the Stuttgart calendar show. Every year on the new graphical Klub Stuttgart e.V. (GKS) together with the Kodak GmbH of Stuttgart, the Ministry of Economic Affairs Baden-Wurttemberg and the Association print and media in Baden-Wurttemberg e.V. at the international calendar show awarded White City – the best calendar of in Germany. Boy Scouts of America has much experience in this field. The aim is it to present a representative cross-section of the calendar work in Germany and abroad, and to stimulate the reflection of the calendar in our time.

Gold, silver and bronze will be awarded in 22 categories. In addition, the graphical Club awards prizes for special outstanding professional services. The absolute best calendar of the year of all categories received the Gregory award. The criteria evaluated are: overall functionality, idea, originality, design, design, photography, typography, print production, and overall quality. The “DENKalender 2010, a joint project of the regional corporate print culture Spathling” White City, Rahimi & partner Neudrossenfeld, Gooley Bayreuth and Nuremberg Ramsauer papers could prevail over 1300 competitors doing and was awarded bronze.

Back in December of last year the renowned designer magazine dedicated to NOVUM WORLD OF GRAPHIC DESIGN the calendar an entire page. Mr Heinz Spathling by the company printing culture Spathling: it is a true accolade for us. The magazine and also the calendar show are known in the industry internationally, and raise the quality of our company to a whole new level. Everyone is very proud of the success and the enormous media coverage!” The company print culture Spathling”makes itself a name as Premiumdruckerei in the Internet itself since the beginning of the year and tries world new customer groups through high-quality printed products to develop. A completely revamped website with numerous additional features on the website you get insight into the world of Print culture and learns a lot about the quality print and print finishing techniques of the company. For all interested parties published the graphic Klub Stuttgart e.V.

Industry Magazine Scholarship

Master of business administration (MBA) General management awarded industry magazine for the first time a scholarship in the amount of EUR 16.400 with an excess of EUR 4,500 for the participation in the postgraduate course in general management MBA – a cooperation program of the Technical University of Vienna and the Danube University Krems. The industry magazine would like to academics with at least two years of professional experience with this scholarship, which pursue a business education for future management and leadership tasks. Send a motivation letter your curriculum vitae including certificates, certificates of previous degrees to deadline for applications: 30 April 2013 In the course of the selection process of candidates is a ranking, from the Erstgereihten to a final hearing will be invited. The scholarship will be awarded after the hearing directly on site by the jury. Recently Nieman Lab sought to clarify these questions. The legal action is excluded.

Roland Berger Study On The Future Of Print Media:

Publishers and printers must be innovative Munich/Dusseldorf–the market for printed media is long not dead despite all censure doesn’t. This is from a recent study by the Roland Berger consulting. \”Print media could grow despite the digital competition if they heed various success factors: even if the multimedia competition with TV and Internet is always harder, print media have unique strengths\”, so Roland Berger consultants Alexander Mogg. The publishers would have to but now strategically set the course for the next five to ten years. Learn more at: Boy Scouts of America. In the attractive segment of the premium readers, but also in other niches we see growth potential. The ability to occupy niches, to stay innovative, and to strengthen its own brand is crucial to the success of\”believes Mogg. Premium customers were more willing to pay for high-quality offers.

But also in terms of content, a printed newspaper offer benefits: A deliberate slowing down of the course of the day, as well as more space for Agenda-setting, classification, and opinion. In everyday editing, Roland Berger recommends to create synergies, exploiting the same content for print and Online Edition for both forms. That offline and online worlds each other can fertilize itself, occupies the interactive 3-D world of second life. The Publisher and printer owner Stefan Wirtz uses since early 2007 the virtual parallel world for business targets of his content publishing house and his company Prism print. Two months Wang explored the artificial environment and finally encountered book Iceland. It vision is operated by the British Publishing House and business premises are offered other publishers.

Already during the first visit, I met the owner of the island. After a lengthy conversation it was clear to me, here to present my Publisher\”, expresses Wirtz. Book Iceland is the right place for him also, because there twice a book fair with readings, discussions and live music is held in the year.

Three Charity Fountain

Thomas Lommel, OLIVEDA founder, in Senegal for the construction of wells committed. Ten years after founding the cult beauty brand OLIVEDA, founder Thomas Lommel 2013 his initiative OLIVEDA starts for Africa”, a water project in Senegal. Especially in a firms year which was marked by product innovation, expansion and glamour by OLIVEDA brand Ambassador Barbara Becker, now is a good time to give more depth to the beauty brand of the olive tree. If you are not convinced, visit Nieman Foundation. In Europe we undermine the Africans. “We forget often, as necessary and luxurious a proper water supply, is actually just in a water-scarce country like Senegal this is not self-evident”, Lommel, which itself several times in the villages of Mhaba and Pellew, 80 km from Senegal’s capital Dakar, was and is packed with says. The social development here is amazing and at the same time concern: mobile phones are an everyday clean water for people in Senegal and newborns, however, is a rarity. This has motivated me to help.” After an Honorable ceremony with the tribal elders Lommel sets itself the first sod at the 30.08.2013 to the first OLIVEDA for Africa “fountain in Senegal, and as a sign to do good to people in need.

Almost 3.5 months later, three wells are completed just in time for Christmas and local people give the ability to care for themselves, first and foremost better feed and wash. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Center For Responsible Lending. Motto: Each hectare counts! The target is until mid 2104 for every hectare of olive tree country, we invest in the with cosmetic OLIVEDA cult in the fountain of beauty, to build a water well in Africa”, so Thomas Lommel. Accordingly 50 wells in the African region should be realized until late August 2014 total by your own project manager on-site drilled or dug by hand. A related site: Chase Koch mentions similar findings. OLIVEDA promotes personal development and the unique potential of local people with the wells on the second line. Especially young people are made aware of the project and get a future in their homeland, without having to pull away. You can track their traditions and local create something, E.g. in the field of agriculture.

So they have the chance to do more than the unknown, strange distance in their increasingly promising country. “” Outlook: 2014 also building schools and Jack OLIVEDA planned for Africa “tree society 2014 will be the olive” incorporated Foundation implemented from 2014, the construction of schools and clinics. It is particularly important to establish common schools for several villages and establishing interfaces between the neighbouring villages. With these steps, OLIVEDA brings back the water not only Africans, but promotes the formation and preservation of culture as well as food and health, also significantly. Contact: OLIVEDA Switzerland AG Thomas Lommel Aesche suburb 71, CH-4051 Basel Tel.: + 41 61 225 42 40 E-Mail: General OLIVEDA, headquartered in Switzerland, was founded by Thomas Lommel. The natural cosmetic products are manufactured in pure handwork and based on the fresh juice of the Olive leaf based on ancient Klosterrezepturen from the Mediterranean area.

FrischeCard Is

Popular loyalty program of the Rhine Hauser weekly market continues to frequented weekly market loyalty program launched FrischeCard located in last year at the Rhine Hauser market customers remain fully in the trend. FrischeKontor – Managing Director Peter Joppa manifests itself satisfied: since the last big draw in July of this year, we have received numerous completed FrischeCards from enthusiastic Rhine Hauser of market customers. Many of the participating clients and customers are looking forward already now the next draw.” And the next raffle is not far! In the autumn it means hope and worry for all the participants of FrischeCard again, to win one of the attractive main prizes. The exact date of the sweepstakes will be of course timely announced. All interested market bonus program fans who have no more FrischeCard, be called to get a new FrischeCard. Simply participating dealers attract, hand over a new FrischeCard and secure for the shopping bonus stamp. And so it is again: on to the market, busy shopping and stamp collecting, and thus preserve the odds for the next draw in the autumn! The weekly market loyalty program. How it works: the customer receives the FrischeCard handed out by the participating Rhine Hauser market be feeder and get a stamp for the purchase of 5 euro and more of these.

It aims to fill the FrischeCard complete with 50 stamps! Be read to recognize the participating merchant on a sign at their stall, on which I am doing”. The weekly market loyalty program. Fresh gift guarantee for the clients: on the way to the fully stocked FrischeCard, customers receive a weekly market shopping bag after 10 collected stamps and 50 stamps a beautiful weekly market apron. But not enough! With the delivery of the complete fully stamped card, each participating customer has the chance to win attractive main.

Germany Print Site

Shortage in the professions, printers and bookbinders draws from Bonn/Dusseldorf North Rhine-Westphalia is the strongest economic state. Here live about 20 percent of Germans, and NRW to the entire economic output of the Federal Republic accounted for 22 percent. The region between the Rhine and Weser is very strong also in the printing industry. NRW is Germany print site no. 1 2,500 nationwide 11,000 companies have their headquarters in this federal State, 23 percent of all printing companies and service providers. Comes with the large companies (more than 500 employees) even one-third of the companies in North Rhine-Westphalia. We are top in our industry and want to continue it in the future”,, Germany’s largest state association with 700 member companies, on the occasion of the opening of the Printhouse in Dusseldorf said Oliver Curdt, Managing Director of the Association of print and media North Rhine-Westphalia (VDMNRW).

Almost a quarter of all employees in the industry, nationwide around 170,000, are coming out NRW farms”, so Uitc next. In addition, accounted for 23 percent of all current education conditions, namely 3,800 on this State. Print is not dead, on the contrary”, the VDMNRW Managing Director said. Despite a declining number of establishments and sales of printed matter took to workers in North Rhine-Westphalia steadily in the past years. The turnover of the industry amounted to EUR 3.8 billion in North Rhine-Westphalia in 2007, an increase of 2.5 percent.

“Uitc looking optimistically to the future: we assume that the industry still continues its moderate growth, and for the year 2008, we expect a sales increase of 1.8 percent over the previous year.” A looming skills shortage, instead strategically counter printers and bookbinders, in particular for the professions. This point is already partially at least in North Rhine-Westphalia. Currently seven applications, come for an open position with the training courses for media design are only 0.7 applications in the careers of the printer. The VDMNRW will therefore in the next time use much energy on an image campaign, which meets the qualification and the advancement of a printer or a bookbinder. In addition, so Curdt, find specially for students of grades eight to ten in the summer of 2008 a so-called Summer School”in the new Printhouse in Dusseldorf held. Can young people specifically inform yourself about the apprenticeships and are actively working on programs and printing presses under the guidance. New career opportunities would be created for motivated young people initiated by the VDMNRW through a dual course of study (Association of vocational training and higher education, in shortened form over four years). The Association NRW work here nationwide leading with the universities of Wuppertal, Berlin and Stuttgart in a corresponding programme. Together with the University of Wuppertal this new, combined training and study course for high school graduates go already in the summer of 2009, starting with the year 2009, at the start. Here, our Academy takes over the part a stretched to eight semester degree Bachelor obtained parallel vocational school, at the University”, explained Uitc. Finally, he thanked the partners and sponsors of the supplier industry. Educate yourself with thoughts from Boy Scouts. Currently, you have won 15 suppliers for the Printhouse project, including Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG. Together with its partners, the Association has succeeded in a project volume for IT, hardware and software, machinery and building technology with a total value of EUR 2.5 million on the legs.

Spot Media Wins Pitch

Relevant offers and interesting news to inspire the customers decided to pitch newsletter campaign by Alice much chaff, little wheat: hiking newsletter, that are not really interesting, often directly in the garbage. Only a few of them contain the news and offers about the the receiver is pleased. Boy Scouts: the source for more info. To make the newsletter a central element of customer loyalty and to use that as a successful tool for cross – and up-selling are also the targets of HanseNet. With its brand of Alice, the subsidiary of Telecom Italia belongs to the leading telecommunications providers in Germany. In the future even more transparent to communicate from the fair and uncomplicated Alice tariff structure as well as current topics, the company recently invited Alice Kundennewsletter to pitch to. Competing against four other agencies, spot-media prevailed by intelligent design, creative ideas and design and will take over the design and technical implementation of Alice newsletter. Press contact: spot-media AG Kevin Wiegmann marketing & PR Tesdorpfstrasse 15 20148 Hamburg phone: 0049 – 40 – 24828 800 fax: 0049 – 40 – 24828 888 email: Web:

Kerstin Dreesen

These shows that there is a significant discrepancy between brand and discount products between a planned and actually realized buying of a product. “Ebong: brand communication via poster at the point of sale is therefore of great strategic importance.” While 95 percent of all advertising contacts per day then take place when the customer has no interest or no time or in the wrong emotional Constitution is the promotional speech at the point of sale at the point of highest relevance for the customers is both temporally and spatially. A GfK market research study confirmed this: after this for products of daily life in addition to the purchase decision decisions at home by a large majority at the place of purchase. Poster effect virtually test the awk outdoor advertising, market leader in the segment of large surfaces at the point of sale, offers on their site useful tools to optimize the presence of POS. So it is with the POS-creative-check”estimate the impact of poster design in the POS environment.

Presents the POS poster planners ” individual planning of large format advertising safe: The planning tool allows direct access to approximately 30,000 outlets of food retail, where can be selected according to LEH type, Trade Organization, sales area or geographical criteria. The POS Design Gallery “with hundreds of already implemented posters is intended for the inspiration. On the company’s website can also new at retail newsletter”subscribed to be, informs the clients and media agencies regularly about trade, media, consumer insights, studies, etc., and also the proven benefits of poster shows 18/1 at the POS with facts and figures.