Potential Coaching

No more stress, sleeping disorders, weight and digestive problems responsibility decides on personal satisfaction and professional success. “Eat better with BELA live work” entered into a symbiosis of dietary advice and potential coaching this year. This is more energy and success now as seminars under the title live better!” The combination of thought precedes that they very few things in life should be viewed in isolation. On the example of the food behaviors are identified and questioned. Many findings may be just on other areas of life, E.g. on the professional life and on goals and ways to achieve them.

Food is offered as explanation, because without exception everyone operates its own food management – more or less consciously. There are successes and failures. Them decide in conjunction with personal and professional time management, individual load and corresponding open spaces for sports and leisure on the occurrence and Scale weight, stress, sleep problems and digestive problems and hence for personal satisfaction and professional success. The organisers, it is important to point out that the seminar not to the target has to design a rigid corset for everyday. No rigorous methods for more self-discipline, with point systems or similar will be taught. Involves that awareness of”its own responsibility, the courage to question situations and, if necessary, to change. One half of the seminar Director duo, Claudia Hupenbecker (staatl. marked) Nutritionist) said: when the participants left the event with the intent to more individual responsibility and a critical awareness of their everyday life, we have already achieved our goal! This we give also some tool, such as prefabricated protocols and checklists for a more conscious life, but also practical as quick recipes for healthy meals and breaks.” Peggy Hupenbecker added: there’s no more victimhood to assume, in which he would like to better feed or would do more sports, if the circumstances… would just admit it “More information and registration for the next appointment on November 14, 2009 in Berlin-Lichterfelde under: 030 / 4882 5484 or online via the seminar cost is 85,-EUR.”