16 MdL praise the political practice week of youth and KLJB from March 3 to 8 accompanied 16 young adults almost a week 16 Landtag of all the groups for their work and were particularly close insights into the politics. They participated with them in Committee, group and plenary sessions and experienced it firsthand how land policy. “” It was peak, super informative and great, even to get to know the personal pages of the members “, praises participant Christina Landtag Haak (22) by the KLJB Diocesan Board of Passau the project live” the youth of Bavaria and the Catholic Landjugendbewegung (KLJB). From 3 to 8 March accompanied 16 young adults almost a week 16 Landtag of all the groups for their work and were particularly close insights into the politics. They participated with them in Committee, group and plenary sessions and experienced it firsthand how land policy.
The 20-year old Nicole Fleischmann from Greding (youth, Diocesan Association Eichstatt) reported: Parliament live provides unique opportunity to see how politics practically works. Now, I also know that members basically have a 24-hour job. There is no such thing as a lunch break, worked in the”. “On the other side, the 16 members of Parliament much out of touch with young volunteers from youth and KLJB learned: I am impressed by the great interest the great openness and clear perspective on political issues by Franzi.” (MdL Annette Karl, SPD, about Franzi Bauer, KLJB Munich and Freising) to learn that the youth is very politically interested other than sometimes their reputation,. The Vroni was always interested in the subject of energy, has through her studies there insane idea and was very interested in all issues.” (MdL Tobias Reiss, CSU, about Vroni Hadley, KLJB Eichstatt) The chinesischer KLJB Diocesan President of Eichstatt, Vroni Hadley, pleased once again that she could introduce their interests: it was great that Tobias Reiss about the energy concept of KLJB Bavaria already knew and we go into the detail could continue to discuss these issues and to see what is in practice it.