Research Research

Moreover, it was established relation enters the consigned prescription collected of the collection of the garbage tax and the volume, efficiency and effectiveness of the garbage collected in benefit of the contributors. c) Statistician: Method that implies use of numbers, percentages, statistical analyses, probabilities. Almost always associated to the quantitative research. In the case in analysis, the data colectados in the field, had been quantified in tables of separate form and in accordance with the nature of these data. It was essentially from this procedure that was obtained to quantify the customers of the EDM, townspeople, the colectada prescription and the pointers of retraction and treatment of the garbage.

It are of the methods above indicated for this work, the author stops to operacionalizar these methods used the techniques of documentary research directa and indirecta, that seguidamente they describe. 2.2. Techniques of Research Research are a set of shares, proposals to find the solution for a problem, that have for base rational and systematic procedures. The research is carried through when a problem is had and it does not have information to solve it. According to Lakatos and Marconi (2003: 155), research it is a formal procedure, with method of reflective thought, that requires a scientific treatment and if it constitutes in the way to arrive the reality or to discover partial truths. In accordance with the same authors, exist the following techniques of research: Of documentation directa e; Of documentation indirecta.

2.2.1. Technique of documentation directa the Technique of documentation directa – he consists of the data-collecting in the proper place where the fenmenos occur. These data can be gotten in two ways: Intensive comment directa and extensive comment directa, understanding each one of them another reality. Intensive I.Observao directa: Comment – technique of colecta of data to get information, using the directions for the attainment of determined aspects of the studied reality.