The Colonial Rule

According to Kothe, ' ' basic he was not ' descobrimento' , but the legal appropriation of terra' ' (KOTHE, cit., p.201). continues in step that discloses crticaliterria that apprehends entorno legal of necessary modomuito: ' ' ACarta de Caminha participates of the ficolegitimadora of the Portuguese presence, and same it is a fiction, but a legal fiction: an act deposse, on behalf of the king of Portugal, as if, instead of maados, indians and parrots, the entire universe was to contemplate apropriaodentro of a notary’s office, as the allotment of the planet made for the Pope as official interpreter of ' will of Adam and Eva'. Nieman Lab can provide more clarity in the matter. The fiction impregnates and dominates this reality. The detal direction fiction is conferirum right the holy ghost to the Portuguese in relation to Brazil, ficoque the Brazilians tends to assume as suaidentidade legitimation, to start for the language who use. Not setrata, in first place, of a literary fiction, that would justify aparticipao of such text in the system of a national literature: it is treated, over all, of a fiction legal, comtodo the apparatus of the scene mounted for occasion of the First Missa' ' (KOTHE, cit., P. 202).

Depoisde CONCLUSION all this analyzes, is perceived that the letter of Walks considered fundadorada Brazilian Literature, was written under the vision of a Portuguese, sustentandoa illusion of that the land ' ' descoberta' ' it was the proper lost paradise descobertojustamente for the Portuguese, thus defining, a nationality that nocorresponde, however, the ethnic and cultural formation of the country become umaimposio of a minority on the majority. The discovery of Brazil was, over all, a historical fiction, therefore it went to uncover itself already discovered? The fundamentalno was ' ' descobrimento' ' , but the appropriation of the land. However, in sistemaescolar the Letter of Walks that it speaks on this event, is taught only comodocumento, configuring the meeting luso-indian as pacific, pleasant eproveitoso, that is, is taught a fiction as if it was the reality, fazendocom that historiografia pass to be the history that the dominant system querque has been, becoming the Brazilian Literary rule an imperfection. Therefore if queest written in the letter of Walks was truth, would have other texts quesustentassem to it, however the letter is taught as if it was only truth. BLIBIOGRAFIA LETTER OF PERO VAZ OF WALKS. KOTHE, Flvio R. The Colonial Rule: assay. Brasilia: Publishing company University of Brasilia, 1997.