Federal Court

We want to sensitize more the dishes for the problems of insurance customers”, so Jens Heidenreich. The judges must be pointed out once the gaps in the legislation, so that they appropriately deal with the issue. And we succeed more and more and ever faster. Our network of lawyers who specialize in insurance and consumer law are absolute professionals”, explains Heidenreich. A regular exchange of ideas and experience there, which allows you to apply all knowledge in all other proceedings supervised by LV doctor. Just the unpublished note decisions of the courts and the Federal Court are known to only the network lawyers and are often the key to the success of the process. Legal expenses insurance assume costs for full premium refunds from Life insurance by he leads more and more individual cases in various courts, LV doctor gives additional importance this topic.

The insurance companies themselves give all people the opportunity to do: namely the right protection division. The increasing success of LV-doctor in court the legal expenses insurers to use the occasion, to grant more and more cover letters for the trial, even if it goes against group-owned life insurer. Because that is one of the criteria for that: a trial at all is how promising? If so, the success of the lawsuit is rather dubious, insurance will not take over the costs of the proceedings. An average of 7,000 euros payment of life insurance through the know-how of the LV doctor lawyers with more than 1,300 procedures that are pending throughout Germany, is properly getting. The various attorneys of LV doctor network Exchange regularly and get non-public so all the information such as the Note decisions, even if they do not serve a procedure.

They can then apply them in their procedures. Through this cooperation we combine our know-how and had more than 50 procedure submit until now within a short time court the Supreme German. The Consumer Council estimates the loss in life insurance on an average of 4,500 euros, the average claim amounts of procedures supervised by LV doctor is about 7,500 euros–this higher demand arises only through the back of a reasonable interest rate.