Little Caso

The wage campaigns of important sectors, traditionally more organized, already had started and they together with lode again the fear of the Government with the readjustments above of the inflation. Perhaps check out Viktor Mayer-Schönberger for more information. Since the passed semester, authorities, as the minister Guido Mantega, already had signaled for the necessity to contain increases that can mean the return of the inflation for platforms that make it difficult the fulfilment of already the impossible center of the 4,5% goal. But I appeal nor it president Dilma was the sufficient to hinder real increases. The metallurgist had approved readjustment of 10% almost, what she means a 2,55% profit real. In fact, the ghost of the inflation mainly scares, those that had felt in the skin the effect of the raised taxes of the decade of 80, but what if it observes it is that it has layers of the society that ignore the order of the Government, pleading worthy wages and unbalanced has years. For backwards of ' ' little caso' ' of a population with the inflation goal it is the incoherence of the Plateaus that nor always obtain to bind the speech the practical one. parliamentarians, said representative of the people, would have to give the example and to act in accordance with what she nails the Government, but are not what she sees yourself.

The servers of the Senate, for example, had been scared with the end of the possibility to earn above of the allowed wage ceiling, but the scare, is clearly, was temporary. The Judiciary one opened the tap of new and them they come back to receive everything what it has ' ' direito' ' , and ' ' it does not have nothing of mais' ' , as the journalist says Carlos Alberto Sardenberg. It is in the guideline of quarrels in the Congress proposal of increase for the Judiciary one, the members of the house of representatives are not gotten tired to ask for the release of parliamentary emendations, councilmen of cities of the interior of So Paulo, as They are Jose of the Fields, they had approved increase of 55% in the proper wages from 2013, and for the gastana in the public power goes there.