
Despite I said the language of the men and the angels, if he did not have love, he would be as the metal that sounds or as the bell that jingles. despite it had dom of prophecy and it knew all the mysteries and all science; despite it had all faith, in way such that carried mounts, and did not have love nothing would be. despite my richness for sustendo of the poor persons distributed all and despite it delivered my body to be burnt, and did not have love nothing of would use to advantage me to this. The love is sofredor, is benign the love not arde in cimes, the love does not deal with levity Not if ensoberbece door with indecency does not search its interests does not annoy suspicion badly is not glad with the injustice But recess with the truth. Everything suffers Everything to believe, all wait everything never supports the love finishes, but having prophecies they will be verwhelmed, having languages will cease, having science will disappear, Because in part we know in part we augur, but when to come what he is perfect then what it is in part will be verwhelmed. 1 Co 13:1 – 10 the text in epigraph detaches the superiority of the love in relation to other virtues.

In our time it is common to value more exterior beauties and attributes, however we have that to level our eyes with the look of God. Nor knowledge of poliglota, nor the glossolalia can be superior to the love, has the trend to value dons and to menosprezar the fruits of the Spirit. A person with these qualities and without love is compared with a metal, that is, she produces sounds, but he is empty. Dom of prophecy is superior to dom of languages, and the knowledge and sciences represent the power for have who them.