Lying Legs

Sit on a chair, place the expander between the thighs so that it can be compressed (thigh) and decompress. If you would like to know more then you should visit BSA. This will help work out the inside of the thighs. Repeat 10-30 times. Press: Lying on the floor, lift the straight leg at a slight angle of 10-50 times (can be intermittent) – is an exercise pumps the lower abdomen; Find a chair or sofa, placed on the floor, feet let down on a chair (sofa) so that between your thighs and stomach, formed a right angle. In this exercise, it is important not to stretch his legs, up, and how would curl up in the middle of the abdomen (umbilicus). This exercise pumps the upper and middle fraction of the press; Lying on the floor, simultaneously lift the body and legs, legs Pull on one side, turn the body to another. This exercise pumps the obliques (sides); For this exercise, you’ll need dumbbells (3 to 5 kg). Take the dumbbells (hand down and right), stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart.

Beware, if sharply this exercise can damage your back, begin to lower the arm along the body as if the weight of the dumbbell pulls you to the ground. Bring the dumbbell up to about knee level, and just as smoothly back to its original position. This exercise also tightens the obliques (sides). 3 kit. And believe me perhaps most important – a massage. Massage helps heating of the subcutaneous “fat hundred, in the tissue starts to move faster blood and remove toxins.

From my own experience I can say that is very effective massage with Belt Vibra Tone. Although of course it is not necessary to blindly trust the advertising and think that this belt is the panacea for all problems. Using Vibro Tone is just one whale, which does not replace the previous two. Buy Vibra Tone quality at an affordable price in the online store can TorgPort, on the link and it is important to remember not just get rid of cellulite, but also save the results.