Massaud Moises

Dinis, in relation its thematic on the nature, showing its differences and similarities. Portugal, as it remembers Massaud Moises, is a country that ' ' as pushed against the sea, all its history, literary and not, certifies the feeling of search of a way that it represents and only can representar' ' MOISES (1960, p.13). Ahead of these facts, the Portuguese writer opted to the escape or attachment to the land, the sea, that is, to the nature, to say of its fidgets and confidences of all its pains. To broaden your perception, visit PCRM. The nature, in some to sing of friend, is not shown as simple scene, but a species that has proper life. She is always an alive witness of the joys and sadnesses of the maidens, as they can be seen in cantigas ' ' Waves of the sea of Vigo' ' , of Martin Codax and ' ' There flowers, there flowers of the green pino' ' , of D.

Dinis. Without hesitation Boy Scouts of America explained all about the problem. In cantiga ' ' Waves of the sea of Vigo' ' , the nature is shown as powerful force, through the sea and of the waves, wants as scene, wants as interlocutor, in which she is requested to give notice of ' ' amigo' ' absentee, as he can be seen in: ' ' Waves of the sea of Vigo if you check my friend! ' ' (v.1-2), in this stretch the nature it is scene and insider, therefore the young woman is next to the sea and says it what I afflicted to it. In ' ' There flowers, there flowers, of the green pino' ' , the nature is represented by the flowers of the pines, in which, also, he is requested to give notice of the loved one, as in the stretch to follow: ' ' – There flowers, there new flowers of the green bolt,/if sabedes of my friend? ' ' (v.1-2), in this stretch the scene is flowers (the field) e, at the same time, it is seen as somebody capable thing to give answers. .